
I think you’re missing the concept of “prune out the idiots”. If they can’t pay, they don’t get treated.  And yes, likely die.

Counter argument:

Being respectful alone isn’t enough, and that’s why we have to tell our kids more than just be respectful.

I assume the answer is that Becky’s school got enough funding (through the cupcakes?) to afford nurses and librarians. Why can’t those other schools just do the same?

I wasn’t aware that he was part of the “ultra rich” before this “failure”? Near as I can tell he worked his way up from not a whole lot.  Seems like more of an argument that if you manage to bet big enough, you can make out like a bandit even if you lose.

Barbie had boobs, I reasoned crudely, having no idea that that her lack of nipples was what made them socially acceptable for children to look at. Why couldn’t Ken have a penis?

So, he’s basically saying “black person” (to him) is a stereotype, not a “race”? If you don’t fit his stereotype of a “black person” then regardless of your “race” you aren’t a “black person”?

Eh, I’m not mad about this.

Agreed, sex or gender are about as useful in a facial recognition scenario as it is on 99.999%...

You should probably then specify “the linked article”. As “the story” generally refers to *this* story, which is what I quoted.

Better question. WTF are they doing blowing walls out for the entry team *on the second story*. Were they using seige towers?

Well, *suspected* shoplifter and witnessed attempted cop killing. I’d have to guess it’s the latter that was the primary source of concern though.

(he did also attempt to run over a police officer blocking him as he attempted to flee).

Strictly speaking, the “correct” person to sue would be the shoplifter. But said person almost certainly doesn’t have the money to make him worth going after.

“May”? Democrats only need a simple majority in the House to impeach.

Paupers prison/poor house/poor farm, obviously. Or, to use a concept from a sci-fi series I read as a kid, (Rissa Kerguelen) Total Welfare. (Essentially government run company towns/prisons/slave labor, where you technically earn wages to pay off your debt, but the rate at which you accrue debt from living expenses alm

To be sure.

To be fair, (or perhaps pedantic) there’s a huge difference between “cried her eyes out when her husband was shot” and “cried her eyes out when I (Trump) visited her at the hospital where her shot husband was in surgery”.

I was expecting some form of weaponized Leyden jar, to be honest.

Some folks never learned good posture and how to sit upright like a human?