Gnat Of Power

Touching faces and high fiving strangers. This is what i miss about going out drinking!

I am perpetially warm. When i was a wee young lady in uni I went out in miniskirt, heelsand strappy top in the middle of a snow storm. I did snow angels on the walk back to halls. I got a cold. I REGRET NOTHING.

We miss you too *hic* *vom*

I don’t know why the previus comment anmoyed me so much, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one! I want to get hammered, fight the person, and then cry at them for an hour because booze. Sigh, I miss drinking.

I’m not sure whether you INTENDED to sound like a garbage person but you’re doing a bang up job, my good friend.

Your family sounds like my family. Sprinkle in a little abuse from grandfather, too. My mother is a champ and my best friend.

I don’t think this is right. It’s still a disturbingly high number at 45% of charged rapes, with immigrants make up around 14% of the Norwegian population. The numbers are bad enough without massaging them.


Kylo Ren does strange things to my pants region.

This fatty is okay with letting you keep your schlubby, printed tops Melissa. Didn’t we move past this?