
and the social cost of not attending isn’t worth the fight with my in-laws.

But a lot of them DON’T and are making a totally unnecessary trip just because somehow they can’t bring themselves to bear not participating in a useless holiday who’s main purpose is to stuff one’s self with food. We are probably only 5-6 months away from having a widely available vaccine. Then people can go ape shit

Yes, there will be some people that need to fly to get home due to the reasons you listed. This admonishment doesn’t apply to them. Choosing to travel to grandma’s just for her turkey this year is more than selfish. You’ll get another thanksgiving next year. Grandma might not if you infect her with the COVID. Stay

They’re the sort of person who buys vehicles solely based on 0-60 and skidpad grip.

I’m mostly curious what he thinks is “slow” about it? Don’t these get like a 6 second 0-60? I know some crossovers can do that, but that doesn’t mean it’s slow, those are just quick people movers that still can’t take a corner worth a damn, this BRZ can

It’s comments like this that have killed affordable performance cars.

Neutral - my aunt bought one of the Mitsu CUV-things. It was dirt cheap, it’s reliable. It gets her back and forth to see the grandchildren. She loved it, and bought a second one. Then her kids each bought one. And they are all perfectly fine. It’s an incredibly uninteresting genre of automobile, you might as well buy

Honestly an accident like this is such an extreme level of stupid imo, they shouldn’t even bother taking away the persons license, just throw them in jail for life, or better yet blow their brains out, anyone who disregards other peoples safety like this isn’t worth the air they are breathing.

Ugh, I know a guy who drives drunk in his Tesla all the time because he has AP. Before he would Uber everywhere which was great. Then he moved from the city to the ‘burbs and got tired of paying extra in Ubers to get smashed. He rationalized his Tesla purchase because it would save him money on Ubers. Fucking people.

Am I missing something or does the article not really have anything to do with the crash? Yes L2 systems should be avoided for this exact reason, but in this particular case, AP is not involved at all and the driver had 40 seconds to react and not deliberately accelerate to well over 100mph. Autopilot caps you to

Honestly, I love that BMW embraces car culture for their styling cues. One look at the front end, and I'm thinking, "That's Jeremy Clarkson."

That front end hurts to look at. Interior reminds me of the Fisker Karma, which I can’t say if that’s a good thing or bad.

Difficulties faced by the e:

Those people don’t like Biden. Oh, and fuck off.

Please tell me what “major city” has been “burnt down”.

I want to toss out a special thank you to the folks on social media who captured screenshots of these trolls bragging about their actions on Facebook. The dipshit in the black Ford also damn near ran over some protestors downtown (and bragged on that too).

So it’s fine then?

Ah - that would explain the lack of secret service response I guess.

Fucking argue against it. It’s dangerous illegal intimidation.

You’re not against what they did?