
i30 N.

Yet I want them to get rid of the passenger rear door and make it a real 3 door hatch.

It does indeed. And even the front passenger seat folds forward, although an inch or two higher.

Nothing can stop it, except for VW delaying it until it loses all relevancy and diluting the style until it looks like any other mini-van.

Making minivans cool is the first step to getting people to buy them in droves again.  The TJ Cruiser is definitely a step in that direction.

They already make a version of the ‘Cruiser that could compete with the Wrangler. The 70-series. Available as 2 and 4-door wagons and 2 and 4-door utes (pickups). 4.5L turbo-diesel V8 (plus I6 diesel and petrol V6 in some markets). They just don’t sell them in the USA. They are in need of some updates though.

They sell a lot of them in the Middle East and Australia. It’s only the US where they don’t sell well, probably because of the (relatively cheap) Sequoia.

I have a 1995 Z28 convertible. And a 1981 Plymouth Champ. I have to say that on the average drive, I enjoy the Champ more. The whole “driving a slow car fast” thing is true. You’ll get best of both worlds. Driving a slow car fast with the top down.

they sell 3,000 units a year and the dealers no longer want to Order or sell them. Redesigning R&D and redesigning a car takes tons of money. At some point they will have to redesign it and that would cost 1.5 billion dollars and then they would be losing money on every land cruiser they sold because the volume is not

good for you !
I had the hatchback of these in a 1991, that engine is oh so familiar, the little 3-cylinder sewing machine in the middle of acres of space.. gave me a bit of a pang..

100% Jalop. Well done! 

Good score! (And I’d forgotten how stylish these were in their own Geo sort of way.)

Two most satisfying things in life that don’t involve my family: Detailing my car. Doing the yard. (Though I’m not as fanatical on either of those as I once was.)

I never let anyone eat in my car. People look at me strange too. I just say, it’s my car and i don’t want to clean up any possible mess you make.

Same. I’ve seen some filthy-ass minivans, but ours was never like that. Parents wouldn’t allow us to throw Cheerios and shit all over... not that we would, because my parents didn’t raise us to be little cocksuckers.

I’m of a different generation, but I don’t understand this. My brother and I were NEVER allowed to eat or drink in our parent’s cars. Or allowed to play with anything messy. And those cars were always clean. Why do people allow their children to act like animals in their cars?

Maybe if you cleaned it more than once every 6 years, it maybe easier!

I don’t hide my bias against crossovers. Invariably, down to the very last one, they all suck.

It should be this vehicle that GM had in one of their presentations a while back