
I’m really liking the trend of more simple/minimal vehicle styling that seems to be just starting to pop up more and more. Volvo, Tesla, this, Faraday, Rimac, etc all seem to look really sharp (yeah, the 3 and X are a bit bloated). Even if only half of those are real vehicles and the other half vaporware, it’s much

Could someone add some wood panelling to this?

Please be real please be real please be real. These Rivian vehicle renders do it for me. As I said with the truck yesterday, it’s like someone from 1988 was sketching what they’d think a car in 2020 would look like... AND I LOVE IT

I’m a sucker for the quilted interior trend

And there goes the only GM I would have any actual interest in buying.  OK, maybe the Camaro.

I was going to say, yeah, grow it out a smidge, lift it, put cheap plastic cladding on the fenders, call it an SUV, and you’ve got a 10% sales increase automatically.

They would have to be as dumb as Ford to kill the Volt. Again: GAS INSNT GOING TO BE CHEAP FOREVER. The Volt would be essential and missed.

And no one but municipal car fleets wept.

Tow capacity is 11,000lbs. To achieve that, you should have a ~2200lb payload(20% tongue weight). That’s pretty capable but you should expect fuel economy to drop by more than 50%. It would have boatloads of torque and weigh a lot with those batteries so it should actually be a fairly formidable tow pig as long as

Wow...this platform could revolutionize the light truck/delivery market if it isn’t vaporware. $40k for a stripped WT version could be a great value prop for a lot of fleets.

Yes. Her general point distracts from the problem and frames it instead as some sort of competition among minority women instead of a fight against white patriarchy.
But I also want to call out one of those tweets embedded for its logical fallacy because there are enough legitimate points to bring up in this

Weird, I strangely find these way more compelling that a “modern” Tesla— which now weighs 6000 pounds and is dirtier than simply buying a hybrid.

His insurance company will cover the damages. They will also most likely in turn sue the dealership and it’s liability insurance.

God damn it. GOD DAMN IT. BRING IT TO THE US. For the love of all that is good in this world, we need the unbridled, unfiltered, raw joy that the Jimny brings.

Toshihiro Suzuki and Marry Barra. Have a three way and convince Tosh to supply Jimny to GM to be sold as GMC Jimmy. North America only.

Sacrifices must be made...for the Greater Good.

All of Congress?

Who do I have to sleep with to get this thing sold Stateside?

Isn’t the Jimny available in Puerto Rico? I could have sworn past comments pointed out it was available there. So wouldn’t that be an easier trip than to Japan?

This would fit my needs SO well. Please sell in US. And keep it cheap.