Professor Dog

That’s how it works but from what I’ve gathered, if they’re ungrayed on one thread of a comment section they’re ungreyed for the entire comment section.

Last I heard ungreying someone in a single thread does not ungrey them permanently. I thought it took a staff member to approve someone and permanently ungrey them.

I don’t get why he keeps this shtick up.

In private conversation, it may be better for oneself to just ignore people who are saying wrong things at them, but when it’s a conversation happening in the open, it’s much, much better to repudiate wrong ideas, lest someone take those ideas in because nobody’s explaining why those ideas are wrong.

Like I said I’m only advocating it as an alternative to just dogpiling a troll’s comment. Personally, I’m trying to cut back on the tactic as it only serves to have the trolls continue to spam my comments to myself.

But you’re really the only one I ever see using this method.

Why not just not reply? I guess I don’t get going to all this effort to not ungrey  someone but still let everyone see replies. If the person really is toxic, then it’s better not to respond

The trick is that you post a link to the troll’s comment, meaning people can see it without having to ungrey the troll. I only recommend doing it when the troll has demonstrated that he’s being a toxic asshole and that replying to him will only just keep making an argumentative circle. Otherwise the comment just gets

Jman, it’s one thing to dismiss someone, but replying to a comment that you’ve dismissed? I don’t get it, it’s like seeing only one part of a conversation. Either reply to them, or dismiss them, but not both.

He missed really hard with Crossed, which was basically A Serbian Film meets the Walking Dead. It is the most hateful comic book I’ve ever read. I mean I love Preacher and his Marvel Knights run of the Punisher, but Crossed cannot be read, it can only be inflicted.

Ennis is real hit and miss for me, but holy crap, that was an amazing mini-series. I’m still laughing at the thought of the Pro getting a movie adaptation as well... I mean, even more than the Boys getting a TV show. But anyhoo. How Ennis did it in this book, simple, funny, and direct. That’s how it’s done.

“Someone get Hitler out of the windshield!”

Really, if Bioware was thinking progressively, there would be no labels at all, because hopefully (in an optimistic future) humanity was beyond all that primitive shit. There would be no “gay” or “straight” or “trans”, they’d all just be people doing people, just like people do. This is a concept that seems to escape

Pay gap stats are the most misleading stats ever.

It’s the minke whale. They’re the white-tailed deer of the sea. And, like deer, proper management that includes regulated harvesting won’t hurt the population.

I mean, if I needed a new laptop and money was no object I would very seriously consider buying a new MacBook and loading Windows 10 on it. Would never boot into MacOS because I prefer Windows, but Apple does make some fine hardware.

Marvel can’t do that though but here’s the new captain America he’s a 10 year old Chinese girl

He’s not the only one, that’s your biased opinion Jason. Most people I talk to about this game prefer the greatswords. While I mostly agree with you about the DLC and its quality, I feel there is some diagloge that sheds some light as well as adds to the mystery. Like who is Gilgamesh? Former King or Shield of

So what you are saying is the the OA with a Latino-Asian and Asian-Trans person, wasn’t diverse enough for you. I guess they didn’t tick enough of the required diversity boxes.

Eminent domain doesn’t work that way. You can take private land for a roadway expansion/new road, but can’t do it for water/sewer lines (at least in Ohio). And you can’t take a 5-acre piece of land if you only need 1% of it to widen a road, you can only take what you need *unless* you are impacting the land so much