Professor Dog

This is so damn true. If you’re frustrated don’t be a dick and report people for cheating because you fucking suck. I hate when people pull that kind of stuff in other games.

What you consider hate, is other people’s daily life. Pulling topics out of my ass here but just because you may agree that TS folks can enter the girl’s restroom and you personally are perfectly fine with that, your statement of “forcing” this to be the case is viewed by a more wary father of a young girl as “hate”

I have to believe that the fortitude in the face of overwhelming terror was a result of Churchill’s leadership more than a generational thing. Average is always average, but ultimately, leadership is what makes average something else entirely. These folks were/are amazing folks, no doubt, though.

Seriously, they’re like internet trolls. 51 year old man tells a 15 year old kid that his announcement is junk... Sounds like a grump!

This kickstarter has high risk written all over it.

Loved this game on my NES when I was much younger.

Currently this forest fire is about one sixth of the size of the one back in 1910 in the usa. You know from that other climate change induced fire.

No, you don’t understand. Proofreading is NOT a job requirement when working for Gawker Media.

No, I’m saying that maybe you should think about how the average restaurant dishwasher is treated before you complain about the brand of laptop your company provided you. There’s abuse and bullshit at the workplace, and then there’s just fucking having to work at a job that isn’t a great job. Are you telling me you’re


Importantly, one must remember that there is no such thing as a Golden Showa Day.


By punching numbers into modeling software, and changing those numbers until you get the output you want.

That’s not a bass.

No bluetooth or wifi? Meh.

Don’t be silly, that would be way too loud.

I wonder what gave them their first clue.

Meanwhile, Gawker’s senior leadership and senior management positions has how many women or people of color? ZERO

You know, you don't have to whine, cry, and sue the pants off of everyone every time someone makes a mistake.