Professor Dog

I think map makers in games are underrated in general. Look at the World of Warcraft map. All that topology has to be translated from the in game environment into the map that they put in game. That’s a nice level of coordination between multiple teams to get it working.

How about instead of every single facial expression, they settle for three of them?

Why in the hell are they protected? And why can’t you kill those bastards. I’ve had to brake and swerve on the highway when one of them is on the road just sitting in the middle of the highway.

Every time I grill shrimp or bite into a juicy burger I am thankful I’m not a vegan or vegetarian.

Well you’re wrong. Which is awesome because your stream of drivel had a lot of words that didn’t actually make any points.

Can anyone explain why drivers think its acceptable to have their left foot resting on the dash?

Score one for the IT guys sitting in the basement... No windows, no sunlight, no interaction with users, no radiation

I mean, it all depends on perspective. To that Pikachu, it is Left Pikachu

Ahh the entitled manbabies are coming out to whine about a company making a decision that doesn’t include the words Half, Life or 3 in it. I love it. Their tears are delicious.

Yea and when Russia, China and/or NK come after you, the US will be the first person you cry too. So fuck off yourself.

It makes sense - when you’ve got thousands of acres of land that you farm - be it crops or livestock - getting there and back again for a quick peek (especially after a bad storm) is far more cost effective and time effective than humping it out there in a truck.

All these bikers and not one Mormon. The decline of Christianity is a sad one.

Real simple answer to avoiding spending money on these microtransactions.

This is 100% clearly fake. The lack of Coleman product placement is a dead giveaway

I’m stealing this from Reddit and posting here because flat out, you’re wrong. Everyone played a part but no one played as pivotal a part at defeating this abomination of repealing Obamacare as McCain and he did it fucking MASTERFULLY.

But we can Amend the Constitution and this might be the best use case to do so...

Glad the title of this artcle wasn’t “We pitted 300 Jedi against 60,000 Medieval Soldiers. You won’t believe the results!”

This is one of the very few examples I feel where the far left and far right are in alignment and equally crazy.

I can’t wait for the first case of Polio that is because the child wasn’t vaccinated and the shitstain parents are out flapping to the cameras “Well at least our kid isn’t autistic!”

Ah but it isn’t COOL to understand federal laws. It’s far more cool to pretend to be edgy and shoot federally protected aircraft out of the sky.