Professor Dog

I’m not ready for more war but I think to answer your (probably rhetorical) question on “what changed”, for me, it’s the warming up of China to the idea of ousting Kim Jung-Un. As far back as I can remember I’ve been told the only reason we didn’t end the Korean War in the 50s was because of China.

Nah, you’re wrong.

Oh I’d still make sure all ads from Gizmodo were blocked. The number of times I’ve clicked on an ad or an article I didn’t want to click on because an ad fired is ridiculous.

That Logan looks like a run of the mill hipster just put on a bloody shirt and a blade prop.

Nah, society didn’t fail him. we’re responsible for our decisions in our life. He failed himself. Fuck him.

Even though its 2017, not everyone requires a safe place, unlike yourself

They are though. Nintendo is losing a lot of money to scalpers. I stopped looking for these units in the stores because I knew I wasn’t going to find one and all of them are picked up immediately by scalpers.

“He never touches my phone since I’m very particular about my tech”

Can we join forces and make a real political party in this country? We could call ourselves “Moderates” and our values could be such that we don’t see the world as Republican or Democrat but rather that people have differing opinions and shades of gray and that doesn’t pigeonhole us into one party or another.

So is the first solo mission going to be the rebel soldiers attempting to evacuate Endor before they are incinerated by the explosion of the Death Star? All the while getting bonus points for each Ewok they save from utter annhila....

Okay - I have a question - how is this not some sort of terroristic threat. I don’t really like using that term for a charge because I think it’s used WAY to heavily these days but compared to some ways it is used, this to me would seem a perfect match.


Obligatory reminder to anyone ready to post “Lol @ waste of lives with speed running”

Games done quick would like a word:

Your numbers are off -

x86 processors seem restrictive in light of the movement to x64. I’m sure they’re plenty powerful but is there a reson to go with x86 over x64?

Shouldn’t the color red be a big indicator of something special? I grew up in the upper Midwest and it’s always been gre no and blues. Never red. What does red mean?

I hope they can get her to fly directly into the northern hemisphere’s storm - right in the eye so we can see what’s going on up there.

Ever since I ventured into the world of Persona 4 Golden I’ve been craving more. Persona 4 came into my life at a time where I was going through a lot of heartache so to me it felt like a way to relax in a very theraputic way. When I was done with P4, I felt like I was saying good bye to friends.

Curious in situations like this - does the motorcyclist get charged for illegally passing at the same time that the road rager gets charged or do they give the motorcyclist a pass due to being turned into near organ donors.