Professor Dog

As cute as these are, it still doesn’t override the absolutely TERRIFYING spiders you have there.

You know what makes the holidays better? Watching Love, Actually. Except that Alan Rickman is in it and I was sad after watching it because of it.

Only if you want Pence to be president. I believe as of now Pence is a lock for pres even if Trump dies before inauguration. I believe the threshold was passed as of the 19th before the EC voted.

Blacklisted from what exactly? It sounds like these private servers aren’t running through any official channels so what exactly are they removing from them by blacklisting them.

This isn’t a law - the President has no authority to make laws, only executive actions (which I personally believe need to be reined in.) The EAs do carry the same legal weight as laws, but Congress is the ones that make laws in this country.

What is Ultimate Online? Sorry - don’t mean to be petulant but is that a MMO I didn’t know about or really Ultima Online

Fun anecdote about the Bullet Ant (and by fun I mean torturous and not fun at all)

I wish for 1 year we could, as a human race, suspend all military spending across the globe and convert that money 100% into funding for these missions and get every one of them off the ground.

Some poor bastard is going give himself a Darwin Award with this suit. I can see it now - The Iron (Maiden) Man suit.

The gangbang took a turn for the better when the mythical “Pink Sock” fish showed up to the party.

So this is what young Bills fans grow up to be.

How does that work then? Enough signatures and votes can create laws out of almost no where? Doesn’t that bypass the legislative process and diminish power from the state’s congress? (not that that’s a bad thing necessarily)

They probably could have cast Odo -

Somehow Tarkin in Rogue One looked even more old and near death than the Tarkin from ANH

Somehow Tarkin in Rogue One looked even more old and near death than the Tarkin from ANH

This is a nice counterpoint to the story I read this weekend about a 3 year who was shot and killed by a road rager who was pissed the 3 year old grandmother took too long to accelerate from a stop sign.

California has tried to pass their own fucked up laws around porn

Interestingly enough this law wouldn’t ACTUALLY block porn in SC. It would block computers from being sold in SC that don’t have the filter on it or the $20 payment being made.

What fucking delusional world do you live in?