Professor Dog

Not this year - got another foot coming this weekend of snow.

“Think of what we require of U.S. soldiers.”

“Millenials stumped as to why they are unable to get jobs after interviewers have no fucking idea what they are trying to say”

How are you supporting your family while working your ass off while NOT getting paid? Not trolling, just genuinely curious at that mind set - the time spend for naught could be used to find other employment or something. I dunno.

How does this even work? Like, these workers just willingly come to work after not being paid for several weeks or months and continue to hope for the payout?

I think one of the real shames about the Vita is the lack of Star Ocean on it. I’ve checked so many times over the last few years and damn it all if I wouldn’t give Sony all the money for Star Ocean on the Vita.

My favorite tale from my time in retail was when I worked at Walmart. This was right when the Xbox 360 came out. We had a customer who (according to him) was independantly wealthly.  His story was a little weird, but whatever, who am I to judge.

Huh. Just like everyone saying they’re going to leave the country after Trump won and then didn’t.

Fun little anecdote about Zelda. was a porn site before Nintendo bought it. One of the first webpages I went to as a youngster was, in front of my family as an attempt to show how cool the internet was. Oh the image of two naked blonde women kissing, one cupping the others breasts in her hand will

What, no patch to have every line of dialogue in ever FF game ever replaced with “You spoony bard!”?

Female deer can grow antlers if they have higher-than-normal testosterone levels,” said Flinn. “In most cases, does’ testosterone levels are too low for full antler development. They usually are small and poorly formed, and they aren’t completely hardened

True story about pre-lit Xmas trees.

“Dead Rising 4 misses what made earlier game great”

For reference:

No it was an unnecessary humble brag that you have a russian GF. Obviously.

I’m a bad person. Based on the way she looks, the headline picture made me immediately think of this:

Now playing

The Benny Hill Theme is ALWAYS appropriate in videos like this and the timing syncs up pretty well. Delay the start of the Benny Hill theme by about a second and a half-2 seconds and it’s almost perfect.

I guess people’s definition of casually walking is different depending on where you live. Even sped up you can tell he’s up to no good.

“Per PVP Live, French player TaZzeRK just hit level 1800"

Johnny Appleseed man. Didn’t you pay attention in public school? No one spoke ever of Jimmy Pearbottom.