Professor Dog

Oh for sure - I’m not saying this wasn’t awesome - it’s an amazing show of coordination and engineering.

For some reason I though this thing was going to hit the runway, take off again and once the cloud of dust faded away two apaches would be there spooling up.

How many purchase commissions on the Xbox one do you think they’ll need to avoid “bankruptcy"

How many purchase commissions on the Xbox one do you think they’ll need to avoid “bankruptcy"

“I’d argue that beyond just displaying the internet,...” Well once Edge can do that well, we can talk about the rest of the features.

“It is imperative that investigators understand that they must minimize, to the greatest extent legally possible”

Is there a way to block/ban articles from the side bar? Seriously - this is sickening to me and I don’t want to think about it every time I go to another page on Kotaku.

MAY 9TH!!!!!??!?!?!? I just found out about this game yesterday and looked through the site (this was before the announcement) and thought “wow...I can’t wait...for 2018" But May 9th is awesome, I’m not prepared yet.

Pssh. Of course all 3 of them are white.

Well it’s nice to know this stuff is probably outside of my lifetime from coming to Minnesota, especially during the winter and/or pothole season. Maybe we can have them for late spring - mid fall (so like April - October, our seasons don’t really follow the March 21st - September 21st concept of seasons).

Damn it - every single clip on this site sounds better with Spanish announcers. I really need to start watching sports this way.

You do realize you can fail a drug test in Colorado and be fired from your job for having THC in your bloodstream right? The laws aren’t up to date with everything that’s changing and until all that stuff is corrected, this type of stuff is going to continue to be a common occurrence. Just because it’s legal doesn’t

I thought this was supposed to be supported with new content for 3-ish years? That’s kind of a bummer if this is the last pack being released.

Guess its time to level on a new server - my main server is all sorts of full :(

I effing love 4x games. No joke, I spent way too much of my childhood trying to figure out how to get MoO to properly play on our first computer and treasured those 4 floppy disks it came on like gold. Then MoO 2 came out and I lost an entire summer to that game.

Oh there’s a lot more - but that’s the one that stood out to me the most. I genuinely thought the CGI was worse in the Hobbit than the original trilogy.

I must be the only person in the world that actually likes Big Fish. :(

It was right there all along when Gandalf died in the first movie

I need to read more of your articles. This was awesome - It helps fill the void I have while waiting for Drew Margary’s “Your team sucks” articles for 2 glorious months out of the year.

Isnt that basically the theme song to Gilmore Girls?