Professor Dog

I never understood why these can’t be connected worlds anyway. The Titans oversaw the creation of countless worlds, why could they be eventually known as the Xel’Naga through the mists of time.

This should be put on Humble Bundle and let the market decide what the developers vs the publishers deserve.

No matter what happens, I intend to remain a subscriber until the last server is shut down. This game has staying power for me, no matter what changes they make.

My first exposure to this type of behavior was at 18 years old, working for Walmart. First “real” job after working on a farm since I was 14 (agriculture laws in Minnesota are very very lax). I was being trained on how to check in film rolls for our processing and my trainer went up to a gentleman who was there and

It is my belief that every person in this country should have to work a year of retail or some sort of service industry, since conscription/forced military service isn’t an option.

Can someone please promise me that this movie will be considered a commercial success vs a critic success - I would love to see a re-emergence of this style and genre of movie (the exclusion of CGI from almost every shot in this movie really resonated with me).

My friend had to get a forced name change for his user name “atomictsunami”. Kind of bullshit because he had had that user name years before the Japanese Earthquake.

He looks like after he slaps her that he’s getting into position to take a piss all over her.

Orgrim Doomhammer never drank the demon’s blood that predated the first Warcraft game. Because of that his skin remained Brown while the orcs that drank the demon’s blood turned Green. However, there was implication that even not drinking the demon’s blood but still doing the things they were doing was starting to

Wow...just wow. Thank you for writing this. This epitomizes some of the feelings I have about WoW completely. I totally feel the nostalgia of going back to the way things were, for me the pinnacle of WoW WAS late Vanilla, all of BC and all of Wrath. But that was a different time, different me and if they dropped it

“That’s a really huge number, even in a subscriber base of 7.1 million people. “

It’s good that they are removing this so no one gets hurt. I wonder how many people are still being injured to this day from WW2 era bombs and mines still being found and uncovered.

How fortunate that this came out AFTER the NFL draft. I would have hated to have seen the Patriots fined or penalized draft picks if this had come out before the draft. Fortuitous Luck indeed!

Keep striking out buddy.

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama on Tuesday condemned the “criminals and thugs who tore up” the city of Baltimore on Monday night

Note that Obama did not say he condemn the “Thug policemen”. So take your counter-culture anti-cop bullshit and fuck off. These people for better or worse protect our asses and many

I hope Pikachu is the mascot of this game. And I hope Pikachu shits all over Gengar.

I really wish they would split this up to be one year is a futuristic/alt history/Space Marines title and another year is a classic game, circa WW2 or Vietnam or Korea.

I agree - my GF and I have almost 20 Nintendo Wii U titles, granted some of them are available on other platforms, but we absolutely love the console.