gmporschenut also a fan of

Although, a lot of those are from the OTHER Piper Fawn, who is a more famous porn actress with red hair.

So while the Tesla’s is slightly smaller”

It isn’t SLIGHTLY smaller, the font is about 1.5mm, which is less than HALF the standard.

The many issues that indicate Teslas are junk:

- Wheels come off
- Control arm failures even when parked
- Panels come off
- Glass comes off
- Spontaneous thermal overrun fires
- Batteries unrecoverable due to podding
- Doors fail to operate in an accident
- Mechanical door latch overrides are in a different location on each

The over-the-air update was made available from January 23, free of charge to Tesla owners.

Because they’re generic looking, the interiors are clown car ridiculous and designed by people who think “progress” means “I saw something like this in a movie once,” the assembly is a joke and every Tesla I’ve seen looks like it was put together by an unskilled laborer assembling a Technic Lego set, and, oh yeah,

The real issue is probably not one of practical safety, but one of, once again, Tesla just feels that established rules do not apply to them. Every other automaker gets this established, easy and non-controversial issue right, and Tesla just says, nah, ‘eff it, we’re going to disrupt warning gauges for the hell of it.

Is this a small issue? Sure. But...the font on the right sure is way easier to read than the font on the left, despite even the image on the right being a lower resolution image than that on the left. Was the disparity in image quality intentional?

Elon still won’t let you suck his dick.

Any article about Tesla is going to be a hit piece because they’re piles of garbage.

“Voluntary recall” almost always means that NHTSA went to the vendor and said “There’s a problem, and you don’t seem to be fixing it. It sure would be a shame if the government had to issue a recall instead of you doing it yourself. Sure would be a shame.” The UI on the right is FAR superior.

Wait. So, do you work for Tesla, or have your years of pro-Tesla comments on Jalopnik just been for fun?

Hot, Flat, and Stupid?  at least that’s how it was described to me...

I just did. She looks like Florida.

The things I do in the name of scientific discovery

Frankly, she should take the sticker down if for no other reason than to protect her kids.

Since it would invalidate their government ID, wouldn’t this potentially disenfranchise them, potentially prevent them from being able to travel, get a job, conduct some types of business such as buying cars, homes, etc.?

Republican performative stupidy.

So anyone who has their weight wrong, or dyed their hair, I assume they’ll get caught up in this too?

All this anti-Trans/anti-LGBTQ legislation from a Governor who looks like he cat-fought his way into a pair of Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader’s boots. Girl, please. To quote a friend, “You are fronting.”

I used to live in South Florida… back in the before times… when you could still get home owners insurance without having to sell both kidneys… it wasn’t perfect… but it wasn’t like this. Now I look at Florida and all I feel is sadness and disappointment… it didn’t have to be this way… but this is the way it is. So