gmporschenut also a fan of

Definitely. I'm getting bombarded with Tesla emails despite not looking at one for years. 

If the monthly texts they send me with promotional APRs and pricing are any indication, there’s a little bit of panic setting in at Tesla.

No, you’re not as deluded as he is.  There’s a difference.

Tesla is the worst of both worlds.

If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire? 

I call bullshit:

The states are not allowed to make laws that are less restrictive than the Federal law; but they are allowed to make laws that are more restrictive. That’s how California can have its own emissions requirements (CARB). Unfortunately this results in a patchwork of laws that vary by state; making regulatory compliance a

Terrible take. I’ve got a couple of cars that can be loud as hell if you really get on them. Which I do, at track days. If I drive through my neighborhood at 6,000rpm I should get a ticket for that even though the exhausts are street legal.

WTF cares if it is factory exhaust UP SHIFT Douche bro and avoid the fine

they do. kuniskis or whatever said several times that the demon and whatnot had exhausts as loud as he could get them and still pass federal limits. harley makes all their stock bikes under the limit. then sells screaming eagle kits that went way above that. and then they got in trouble for that and stopped selling

There are plenty of ICE cars that are more quiet than the federally-mandated fake sound coming out of my EV. And yet, they still also require it to make an annoying beep when it backs up like a dump truck.

It’s a modern supercar with a DCT. Just keep it in auto when in the city and you will cruise around in a high gear and the car can be decently quiet because that’s what it’s designed to do. It’s only when you start dropping gears and keeping the revs up that they can crazy loud.  As long as you are not running in

It’s one thing to say that the exhaust is “legal” so it can’t be too loud to break the law. It’s quite another if Tony here can’t resist blipping the throttle because he loves to hear that Lambo V-10 bark. And hey — everyone around him wants to hear that too, right?

Saying you shouldn’t be ticketed for driving your unmodified car in such a way that it is louder than the legal limit is like saying you shouldn’t be ticketed for exceeding the speed limit with an unmodified car.

I’m certain Mr. Aquilino was driving through one of the densest cities on the planet as a good boy scout should, not repeatedly revving it in slow moving traffic like some douchecanoe. 

Agreed, and truck boys that are just as annoying.

Why is it always cars that get noise violations and not motorcycles? The loudest vehicles in my usually quiet neighborhood are always Harleys. They gun it full throttle from the stop sign two doors down and blast by my house so fast and loud I can’t hear my TV right in front of me. Maybe I’m just not seeing it happen

I’d LOVE to see Harley riders start getting fined.  But selective enforcement...

As long as you don’t comply to all existing regulations, and seeing that the car is rather poorly adapted to city trafic (and remains legal on 99% of the NY state roads), I don’t think there’s such a problem here.

South Park’s F Word episode is still relevant today, nearly 15 years later.