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Both classes of Trump supporters have one thing in common:  They are strong believers in the Zero-Sum.  The lower class feel that something has been taken from them while the upper class feel that someone is trying to take something from them.  

Rich white people ARE the ones in the streets with guns. AR-pattern rifles usually run into the thousands.

“Confederate cosplay”.

Did any of the monkeys in the plagiarised trial actually survive, or did they all die?

They were renting private planes to storm the capital. Or funding the life of a SCOTUS. 

I also like how they’re confirming that arresting and charging the J6ers was the right call — it appears to be working as a deterrent. I’m dumbfounded at how many people appeared to think they could violently attempt to overthrow the election at the seat of our government and then I guess just go home like nothing

While this is all definitely true and well said, it skips a rather ignored demographic of Trump supports - rich white men. Too often Trump’s supporters are lumped into the yokel high school football star dropout who is now a dirt farmer. And... that’s not really accurate. Trump has a lot of rich white supporters (and

Yeah, they love it but show it the same respect as if they wiped their asses with it, protestors that burn flags almost show it more respect.

This is a shitty timeline we’re living in.

Republicans are now true Watch-me-wipe-my-ass-with-the-Constitution monsters. All in service to that pathologically lying would-be dictator, Donald The Criminal. Effing hell...America has come to this.

Nothing says “Duhmerica” like a desecrated US flag duct taped to a truck hood.

not to mention the Martin Mariner...

 Tesla does not live in a vacuum. There is, at this point, 60 years or more worth of learned knowledge and experience at building cars for off road use. There’s literally hundreds, if not thousands of pieces of literature and physics books on suspension and geometry. There are no excuses here, this isn’t new. Rivian

Tesla’s market cap is $580 billion. Subaru’s is under $15 billion.
Tesla sold 1,810,000 cars worldwide in FY 2023, Subaru sold 852,000 cars in that time period.

If Tesla wanted to do it right, they could have. But Elmo didn’t make getting it right a priority, because why spend money and time getting it right when you

Which is not rock-crawling in any way. Pretty much the opposite of going like hell down a dirt/gravel road. Subarus are not Jeeps, and Jeeps are not Subarus. Different horses for different courses.

Do they? Subaru has NEVER made anything that is really meant to tackle more than snow and rougher gravel roads, even if people take them on more challenging terrain than that.

Uhhh, they can literally buy or rent another OEM’s truck and take it apart to see what they did, just like the other OEM’s do. This is completely on them. 

There is a learning curve to be sure.

Yes, It’s the 2020s and automotive engineering is taught in college and grad school, there’s nothing that’s hidden anymore. And Tesla, just like every other auto manufacturer, is free to purchase their competitor’s vehicles and reverse engineer everything they need for their vehicle.

Sure - but that’s why a reasonable, responsible, company will take measured steps and not market their CyberTruck as the ultimate do anything, go anywhere, conquer everything uber-vehicle. Hell - based on the ranges people are getting, their half-cooked release isn’t even good at the very thing Tesla is expected to