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If Elon Musk divested himself of Tesla, I’d consider buying one.

Musk is really the only thing keeping the evaluation up.

hurricanes would have no real issue on above ground track construction. It isn’t that different from regular concrete reinforced elevated tracks. The real issue would be protecting the reinforcing from corrosive salt air. 

Source: I design buildings and roads in florida.

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CSHR is (supposed to be, someday) an actual high speed rail line, expecting 200mph operation. Brightway is NOT. Brightway runs well under 100mph for most of it’s length, with a relatively short section of 125mph. Those are the same speeds that passenger trains run all over the US at grade. And also all over Europe on

Yup, Musk’s snake-oil performance has gone as far as it can go. Tesla’s stock is crashing, the Semi was a PR stunt, Cybertruck isn’t much better, the steep price cuts shored up revenue in Q4 but will absolutely crater sales/earnings in Q1.

The past eight years have made it painfully apparent that not only are there a LOT more idiots than previously assumed, but that the depths of their idiocy go far deeper than bedrock ever does.

He knows it and they know it, and that’s why he’s resorting to threats to try to stave off a second PayPal situation.

On the one hand, it’s nice to see a demonstration of just how wrong people are about “unskilled labor” being so simple, since it’s clear that most of them have an unreasonable amount of trouble figuring out how to scan groceries. On the other hand, as a person with functioning cognitive and motor skills, I love being

There are a lot of dumb people out there. I have see it all the time, especially from the conservatives or the “bro’s” asking for money for this and that.  It is a constant grift so they can use other peoples money for their gains.  People willingly just hand them their wallets like old people and evangelists.  

If Musk wants more shares then he can fucking buy more shares. This isn’t complicated. I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to sell him more shares, though. Giving Musk more control of Tesla is just stupid.

He should go to jail for manipulating his stock prices.

But Elon Musk and Ron DeSantis both said they wanted to build tunnels in Florida? Surely they wouldn’t lie about the viability.

He’s asking for charity after sacrificing his own stake in Tesla on his failure at twitter. He’s asking for a bailout -- ha!

Well, I think the thing about Florida is that it’s a place where you can’t either lower the tracks or put tunnels underneath it, because, you know... flooding.

YES. We’re talking about the fucking PRIVATE RAIL INDUSTRY here. They’ve proven time and again there isn’t a federal safety regulation they won’t ignore to save money.

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A bicyclist also ran in front of the train this weekend in the same town

Its crazy to NOT have full gates at a high speed at grade crossing. LIRR just completed their 3 track on the Hempstead line and eliminated a bunch of at grade crossings by having traffic duck under the rails. This allows the express trains to stay express and not slow down at the at grades and more importantly is

It all depends on if they followed the safety guidance and created safe intersections for high speed trains and traffic. The private company chose to not invest in safety and retune more money to their shareholders. Most of the train regulations in this country seem to be more suggestions for private entities to

I can’t answer this in empirical terms; only in anecdotal ones.

people with western mindsets who are likely not going to cut corners just to “get planes in the air.”