gmporschenut also a fan of

This is the best summation of the weird a la carte, as you put it, that I’ve read -

Memo to Musk: twitter wont die because advertisers pulled out. Twitter will die because its owner completely and utterly fucked it over.

If Musk bought a horse, it would only be used to bribe one of his employees to become a breeder for his spawn.

Is it possible he doesn’t know what he is doing?

Why would they take it out of him to put it in themselves?

Kind of surprised Stalephish and the other simps aren’t here to cry how these are just preproduction tunnels and Jalopnik just doesn’t understand Elon’s brilliant tunnel knowledge. 

Odd, Musk seems to excel at digging himself deeper and deeper. 

There’s definitely reasons for people to be conservative. It’s just that most people are too dumb (or racist, or brainwashed, or whatever) to realize that they are being played and their elected official that they are rallying around doesn’t give a fuck about abortion, gun rights, soldiers/veterans, immigration,

It’s absolutely rooted in racism and it doesn’t take more that a few seconds of thought for that to be immediately obvious. But, you know, thinking is hard.

yeah, sorry there is no real basis of thought in social or economic conservatism. It has alot of fundamental flaws and logic errors that can’t be worked.

You also can’t apply economic conservative pricinciples and maintain social conservative principles. “I don’t want the govmt telling me what to do in my business, but

If licensing was way stricter, mandatory car inspections, and modifying your car was illegal in the US like Germany, then sure on the straightest best maintained and animal fenced portions of the interstate remove the speed limit.

Most people don’t die on the interstate in North America, they die on the higher speed

I grew up on an “empty country road.

Anything Elon touches rots and withers away

“empty” until the lost grandmother willfully obeying her GPS turns right into your direction 40 feet in front of you, peripheral sight blocked by 5 foot tall corn.

What’s sad is that the blue line crap is basically just a “fuck you” to BLM or to anyone else who cares about police brutality. They don’t give a shit about cops and it seemed like the conservative position was that cops are just freedom-quelling government agents until recently. Now it’s just an opportunity to be a

I feel like we as a country have forgotten the very important reason we are able to function as a conrty, a society, a civilization. We have rules AND (more importantly) we CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE. What Fox is pushing borders on sociopathic- the only thing that matters is me and mine, everything else can go fuck

I understand what you’re saying, but the key word there is “idiots”.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this, even if it’s anecdotal. Hell, I have kind of a lead foot, and I live outside Boston, and even I’ve been thinking people have been more bathshit post-pandemic. And obviously they were pretty batshit where I live before that.

Four hours? That’s generous. Most of these psychos have this shit on 24/7. My father unironically told me once he keeps on because he wants to make sure we’re, and I quote, “not under attack.”

You begin to understand why so many old people are paranoid idiots now when you realize they sit down every single evening and watch programming like this for four hours.