gmporschenut also a fan of

Yes, and there are videos and images of the crashed vehicles. It has crumple zones. The issue is that the skin is so rigid it and it weighs the same as the Ford Lightning that it will just decimate any smaller vehicles it hits.

<puts on conspiracy theory hat>

Considering that it was the sickest patients who were the ones going on the vents it also makes sense that they would have a high mortality rate as they were already highly compromised and we had nothing early on that was proven to work for COVID.

Grandma’s on fire!

Now playing

So, he’s still adamant that this will be a rigid exoskeleton car.

Sure, Elon. Just like when you “made ventilators with Tesla parts”, and ended up sending 1000 BPAP machines that couldn’t be used.

I thought he was heading into bond villain territory, Now he is auditioning to be Trump II. Soon his cult will be demanding an amendment to the constitution so he can run for president.

You have to look at it from Elon’s blood emerald mine owner mentality.

I’m hoping he departs for Mars and is never seen or heard from again.

The whole argument about “fairness” of WFH is just a thinly veiled way to make the working class argue with itself.

It’s like watching sideshow bob step on the rake.

Being a White Nationalist isn’t good for sales. Nor is being a Confidence Man. Nor is Abusing your Workers of Color. Nor is over charging for service of your product. F#ck Tesla & Musk with one of his flame throwers, or simply deport Mr. Musk back to South Africa...

Elon’s famous for saying that if factory workers can’t work from home, software engineers shouldn’t get to either. But that doesn’t apply to him, does it? He’s in an intense leadership role in multiple companies. If I told my management “Hey, I’ll be spending eight months of the year working at other companies, but I

I might be able to muster up some empathy if all his problems weren’t knowingly and willingly self inflicted.

Not for long.

Oh shut up. Musk will never give a shit that you exist.

“Why can’t daddy Elon put a little baby ArcTan∀Superjet inside my fertile womb” Shahn H wept, clutching the old-fashioned rotory phone and rolling around on pink silk sheets. “Why won’t he call?” Shahn needed Elon, needed those oddly smooth hands that had struck so many mine slaves in apartheid South Africa, needed

F1 has a 2 hour time limit from when the green flag is waved.

The second worst three-word phrase in the English language is “reliable Red Bulls”. Things were infinitely more interesting the last time Red Bull had a dominant run like this, when the cars would fail or Vettel and Webber would run into each other.