gmporschenut also a fan of

The money for replacement parts hasn’t.

I wouldn’t want a Tesla if they were free. Every new Tesla that sells is more food for Mr Muskrat’s ego. There are plenty of other good EVs around.

Are we really still pretending that the Model 3 is a legitimate competitor for the 3 series? The build quality isn’t even close to the same standard, the interior is worse than all but the cheapest of economy cars, and it’s somehow even less reliable. Maybe a few years ago you could argue about Tesla having the

Ah, yes, with that mindset, let’s go fly Aeroflot or some indonesian small regional airplane. I mean, on average, the aircraft industry is safe, so who cares about faulty parts and subpar assembly.

The biggest issue with this is going to be not only availability of the parts, but the condition of the parts when they arrive at the shop. I work in a top-shelf shop that used to see a lot of Teslas. We stopped taking them in because the wait for parts was usually measured in months and we had up to 1/2 of our

I still believe this thing will be an abject failure in the marketplace.

I haven’t heard much about the megawiper lately.

How in the world is this not considered totaled?

For a White Nationalist like Mr. Musk, a Halfbreed like me is the “wrong” kind of people. I suspect that you all know what the child of Apartheid wants...

Except a snake oil salesman knows that what he’s selling is bogus. I don’t think Musk is that aware.

It’s almost like Musk is a snake oil salesman.

If he cared at all about overpopulation, he wouldn’t have 11 kids and counting. 

I saw someone say this looks like the kind of discussion you’d see in like the 18th century between lords. A couple of elites that fancy themselves geniuses that are in fact oblivious morons.

It’s not hard to leave Elon speechless these days. His responses are crafted to cater to his right wing simps on Twitter. Get him out of his bubble and he stammers and stumbles like a bumbling fool.

Yes, he seems to be pushing as many women as possible to have children with him. Which is weird enough on its own. 

Everyone seems to have missed another point. He says he’s trying to escape overpopulation yet he has also stated that he thinks population collapse due to low birth rates is a huge risk. On the face of it you’d think it’s contradictory until you realize that he thinks the wrong kind of people are overpopulated and the

Make a comment even mildly critical of Tesla here, and find out...

Elon’s problems may follow him to Mars, or:

And we all know that bloodboy Thiel always has the best of intentions 

I really hope all those muskovites that called him a genius for so long have learned something and changed their minds.