gmporschenut also a fan of

That sounds like the current situation with Mexico’s populist president. He makes a big deal about being thrifty and flying on a commercial airliner instead of a government jet, but the rest of his entourage follows behind him in .... a govt owned jet that he could just as well be flying in.


I mean, a Nimitz class is 1091 feet or something. This is 417. You’re bad at math. This is a sailboat that’s a fucking third as long as a carrier. If you don’t find that impressive I don’t know what to tell you.

You want to kill dozens of innocent people? That ship is crewed by a bunch of regular people.

He’s enjoying chewing on that boot too much to respond to you.

Nice try

Most likely way less because corporations learn to structure small sub-units that can go bankrupt independently without sinking the mothership. The ultimate cost to the government and society in general of course, will run nine or ten figures.

Regardless of the dickishness of the owner, it is a majestic ship.

JFC because everyone should be able to stay home when they’re sick without losing pay or having to use vacation time what the fuck is wrong with you?

I mean, it is a gorgeous boat, unlike the usual rich person monstrosity.

So you know my BIL and his family?

Except with tax havens, tax loopholes and credits, it’s most likely half if not entirely money that was syphoned OUT of multiple economies, not being put IN to economies.

Why not both?

Well, they might get sick.

Same old story: Corporation minimizes spending on periodic maintenance (e.g. rail car wheel bearings) to maximize profits. Underfunded regulatory agencies are handicapped by right wing legislators paid off contributed to by corporations. Disaster ensues.

Well, at least we know the free market will solve this problem. Right guys?

I’m glad they were able to scrounge up a whole million dollars from their $3 billion in profits last year. How generous.

I get that a million dollars sounds like a great amount of money for helping out, but divided among all the people affected isn’t that just like, a little more than bus fare?