gmporschenut also a fan of

Okay Ivan. You earned your rubles for the day.

No, it started in 2014.

Is the mustache guy running VW or has he been dead for 78yrs?

Never change, Musk fellators

Aside from everything else, how are these so bad? Who is making these and deciding they are good to go? What previous experiences brought them to this point in their lives?

Wouldn’t it be something if, after Jan 6th, the stolen top secret docs, the misuse of campaign funds, paying off porn stars and everything else he’s done, it was this, a series of lawsuits for stolen images used in shitty NFTs, that finally stuck and ruined the fat orange hemorrhoid once and for all.

Didn’t NFTs have their 15 minutes?

GI Trump! All American Traitor. Ignorance is 100% of the Battle.

If you were dumb enough to get conned by Trump, you’re too dumb to be my friend.

Oh! Oh! I know this one! It’s because the last one looked like ass - amirite?

He was always a 2 bit con artist though.

this was a united states president. let that shit sink in for a second.

Yeah nobody is “swooping in” and buying Tesla or its charging network - not with the current valuation. The way I see it happening is that, after the stock goes down another 50% in the next year, Musk will be replaced by the current COO. The stock will rebound on the news that a grown-up is now in charge, and maybe

Tesla without Musk might just be the saving of Tesla, because right now Musk is burning it to the ground along with his own reputation, and people have long since started to see through the fake promises and marketing stunts that pass for the company’s plans. Musk leaving would give Tesla some much needed breathing

The average driver is not a highly trained airline pilot and does not understand the nuances of commercial airline systems.

I don’t want to be part of their beta tests.

“I’m not a musk apologist, lemme just get his dick outta my mouth so I can tell you why.”

So you are saying a more accurate depiction of “Full Self Driving” current capabilities is actually “Partial Self Driving?”

Corporate America set the bar on the ground. Tesla brought a shovel.

By that logic, I can sell a car & claim it has flying ‘capability’. Does it fly? Of course it doesn’t. But one day, maybe, it might be capable of flight, so I’m not deceiving buyers.