gmporschenut also a fan of

Dave continues to insist on proving just how fucking stupid he is, post after idiotic post.

Since Elon has taken over my “feed” is now full of unsolicited Porn; this appears to be how he is trying to make up lost ad revenue.

I may be wrong, but I’m under the feeling you’ve deliberately misrepresented the situation you’ve mentioned.

I live in the US.

I can’t see how any auto maker would pay to advertise on a platform owned by a competitor. Besides, the only people on twitter are millionaires, billionaires, and politicians and the journalists and fanboys that follow them.

Are you true believers deployed to specific sites or do you just appear randomly because of a google alert on your hero’s name?

If you ever wonder how conservatives could be driven to do something as insane and ridiculous as storming the US capital to try to keep a senile reality show host in the White House, just remember that these people actually believe in laughable bullshit like “forced gene injections” and “climate dictatorship.” Like,

Good! Hopefully other large companies will do the same. 

OH MY GOD YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT... They’re both so evil! The far right with their rampant nazi-ism and the Far left with... wanting equality and to not have people die for being gay or trans or having a different skin color other than lily white. God both sides are just so evil!

But if he returns to Twitter it’s a tacit confirmation that his platform is trash.  Like everything he does.

I though he was signaling his plan to “sink” Twitter.

Dude, I've been here since around 2010 and Jalopnik has never been a Musk fanboi. Seriously search all Tesla articles and see for yourself.

Cool story bro. You’re wrong though.

I don’t see that this post is particularly partisan, it’s just reporting on Musk’s behavior and the resulting fallout.

Jalopnik is a great site and will be even better if you stay out of partisan politics!

Seriously? I expected the explanation to be something lame, but not that fucking lame.

You know, for being so pro free speech, I find it very interesting how Republicans immediately want to shut other people up when they have different opinions than theirs. 

This is about a POS who runs a car company and the hateful shit he does, yes that includes political antics! YOUR PARTISAN Politics do not change that

lol ok boomer