gmporschenut also a fan of

How many hours? Were bleeder screws rusty? I was helping a friend and an hour job turned Into an afternoon to fix.

not to mention potentially cooking the brakes. 

From wiki, I think St John during ww2 was an active air base, while Gander and other fields handled more of the ferrying aricraft.

Nothing says a fun project like absurd part shipping costs/delays

The “Indian princess myth” was especially common way to explain why a relative would have been a shade darker due to anti mixed marriage laws.

Also the desire to enjoy the time we have outside.

Each “serving” is 150kcal or Cal with @10 servings per bag

The flybe loan is BS given that they’ve been collecting subsidies for those non profitable routes.

There were jokes before the bankruptcy, gm was a healthcare provider that happened to make cars. An issure for them was they wre still paying healthcare for people that worked there in the 70s, when plants began replacing people with robots.For Honda and Toyota to expand at that time was great, but its hard for a

Oh that 1:150 stupid number made me so angry, when you add conditions, yes the perceived prevalance will go up, because it was that way before. Not from 1:10,000 to 1:160 in  adecade. 

The big German three skipping all (but NY, LA Detroit) the shows is really disappointing. 

There was an interesting article how stealing jeep sales made sense in 2003, but when gas spiked the brands future died with it.

yeah but yor’re not looking at from a radar perspective.

My first thought. Maybe  a british thing?

Chevy: we made the silverado ugly

NYT is reporting they have footage of the jet and explosion

And the internal strife in iran has been forgotten

Prime Minister Abdel Mahdi decried the U.S. strike as illegal and defended Soleimani, claiming that the Iranian general was his guest and that they had planned to meet on the morning he was killed to go over a Saudi proposal to defuse tensions. He also said that before the drone strike, Trump had called him to

why would you hit the runway worth$100 of concrete, when you can take out a hangers with aircraft inside?

then there is the military perspective of “anyone notice how the Iranians were able to surgically strike US bases