gmporschenut also a fan of

random guess: railgun shells. 

I still don’t understand how having a standard stricter than the EPA violates the supremecy clause.

My favorite is when the asshole is doing a 20 point turn in the parking lot. you have mirrors and a backup camera, if you can’t steer, trade it for a focus.

it should be noted as folks have had more time to go through the flowchart of parliments bill, johnson could still as OM throw a couple wrenches and fuck things up. 

Still more likely to run you over vs knock over the hood

The issue is a “no deal” is the default position. and the opposition is too disorganized.

“Michaels, who was running OSHA when Elsea was killed, was furious when he learned how it happened. A year earlier, while attending a conference in Seoul, he’d paid a visit to executives at Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia Motors Co. to warn them that OSHA had found serious safety violations at many of their Korean-owned

A few times I’ve called in.

i went off to college and lived out of state for a bit. When I moved back to the area and catch up on all the gossip it was quite shocking. I have a cousin and friend during middle school that stayed and every saturday night hang out with the same dozen folks. not only are you dating his ex wife, you still see each

Corbyn has always distrusted and voted against the EU prior to the referendum. When the labour leadership was pushing remain, corbyn was nowhere to be found, and only put in a tokin support. In the mean time as the tories stalled for time and showed they didn’t have a workable plan, he just kinda jerked off and did

Terrible idea and day if they’re trying to get public support.

Yes, if I understand correnctly, they’re slowly coming around to A) how much they rely on EU subsidies, B) how rural farming is going to be boned, and C) how much trade they do with Ireland.

if the ground was dry and he was already moving, it would just push the grass down, and be unnoticeable in a couple hours.

Your fearless leader who will make the EU bow to his will....

the problem is that there is a significant portion of the republic of ireland that doesn’t want to push reuification, due to how much it would inflame the Unionists to a inverse of the troubles.

I would honda to that list too. they’re effectively pulling out of the EU market. 

I’m confused why this rant is to my comment