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During 2006 reelections lets remember how he feels about those troops in Iraq

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I remember this glorious talking spree when on 3 diferent shows, he tried this before getting the blowback he deserved.

They were fucked when leave made promises they could in no way keep.

Yes on their 70s ESF22 concept model. 

They already met halfway. In fact the EU gave in to the UK request for the whole of the UK to stay in common market in Mays deal. That the tories can’t live up to the unicorns they promised,  is the tories problem.

At each others throats is in the long term, bad for business

Mecedes also had a linear design. 

The major difference is Iran is much larger and culturally/religiously more homogenous which would make a unified defense even easier. 

There was an article a couple years ago that looked at the nra how they trapped themselves in a market shift. Up till 40 years ago most gun owners only owned 1 or 2 guns. However with ownership numbers dropping the majority still only own 1 or 2, but the number that own 5, and 10 or more has rapidly grown. So most new

Only if oil was $300 a barrel

Early vehicles ran off of kerosene which was available as for cooking, heating and lighting and thus available at ever general store. 

The ruffling is intentional. 

because until a few days ago the opposition: labour, lib dems, green, and SNP were a split mess. It wasn’t helped that the labour leader was the one who didn’t want to play ball. His plan was to frame it as “me or socialist corbyn” and with corbyn that isn’t an exageration . Before his stunt last week, boris had a

Joe rogan had a bit “3% of people are assholes.” More densely populated just means you’ll bump into more of them. 

They’re open till 8 on weekdays near me. The store is practically empty

It seemed like there was a difference in Cars from 40 years ago, but now? I know people that will only drive an Audi or Mercedes and they’re nice but they aren’t twice as nice to justify the cost. 

“On 10 December the ECJ decided that a notice of withdrawal can be revoked unilaterally, i.e. without approval by the other EU members, provided that the decision to revoke is made according to the country’s constitutionally established procedures.[96] 

How has the EU not played nice? Why would they extend member benefits to a nation that is not a member? 

Listening to a few UK call in shows, and the jingo still said, you’re optimistic.