gmporschenut also a fan of

that and a false assumption that values would never level out, let alone decline. 

Labor costs of truckers, cab drivers and other commercial drivers was 168 billion in 2016. That is a huge motivation

And even smaller to only british leavers

And after the airline check-in there is a tsa cut off. I was picking up a relative, airport was practically empty, when this jerk showed up and started demanding he be let through. Folks were laughing when 2 cops showed up and said “you’re coming with us”. being nice can go a long way

From an infrastruture standpoint, What I dont get is why there isn’t more talk of using excess daytime solar or wind to generate hydrogen and store that as a battery. 

They sound like are written by a Russian bot farm

Those missiles weight 5 tons each and it carries 6 of them.  

Should have loaned it to Vettel.

i know 3. Complete batshit as you would expect. One wacko borderline tinfoil type and 2 healing crystals and psychics. The tinfoil one, everything is a poison from the chemical/drug industry, meanwhile this guy daily takes a load of “supplements” and other shady stuff he bought online. To him, a doctor is a death

LCI were never intended to assualt the beach under MG fire, more to bring in reinforcements. (not to say things didn’t get screwed up.) A big problem in the pacific were either steep beaches or coral. thus a lot were turned into gun/rocket platforms. 

You have to remember these things would land in waves. so it would be 10+ craft dropping their ramps at the same time. For one or a few boats it would be a slaugher but the design would allow for the other troops in the other boats to rush out quickly and spreadout.

Yo dawg I heard....

you also have to remember how these things land. over a dozen will drop their ramps at the same time. For some boats it will be a slaughter but in the super short time the remaining squads can quickley get out and spread out.

Don’t you have to list your car on Uber? I would imagine they could just set it so that you could only login if there are sufficient %of electric vehicles in the fleet. the incentive for drivers to switch is with an EV you cold drive 100% of the time.  

They were ok in rough pending you were going straight to the shore. A giant problem was due to the currents and lack sea knowledge the crews would turn towards their objectives,as the currents pulled them down the beach.. the more the current takes them the more they turn till many are at a 45to the waves and then get

Now playing

the crocodile was extremely successful due to the huge numbers of german positions that would surrender to it.

I think one of the chillingest stories was that of a brtish tanker. The beach was still full of wounded with shells coming in, and the driver stopped and said he might run one of the wounded over, to which his commander yelled if he doesn’t move we’ll all dead. He noted how he could see some crawl out of the way.