gmporschenut also a fan of

My BiL grandfather was on one in the pacific and ferrying men and wounded/KIA back and forth was crazy. He was traumatized from hosing off the blood. 

They were expecting to have some cover, and were hoping the shore bombardment would have been more effective. Also some versions had light machine guns to help supress fire.

You also need a weapon that can get to battlefield. For all the faults of the sherman, it was reliable. A tiger was required to stop every 11km for a maintence check. 

There was a bit how before the war, the germans laughed at estimated US industrial output as unrealistic, and even those were too low.

the gravel was removed no for debris that has to be cleaned up. the gravel is replaced due to the higher risk of a cars digging in and flipping. 

because they are the 5th 6th (due to brexit vote) largest economy, and are expected to take a 10% gdp hit over the next decade. That is like a 2008 hit. that will spill over to the EU and rest of the world. 

I bought a volt in 2017. I put on @25k a year so looking for something fuel efficient. I have a boring highway commute, followed by sitting in crawling traffic for 20 minutes. I got it because as I was looking for replacement for my previous car, the tax crdit was threatenedn and i figured, why not try it out. i

His combover doesn’t

What is a bit ironic in leaving, leavers will enable the very thing that they feared, that didn’t exist.  

It isn’t just nafta, as a couple articles have pointed out, why should the Chinese sign anything if trump shows he can’t keep his word?

yeah v8s are crappy

even moreso after the UK is leaving

Not just oversized but overweight carryon. Last year this old lady gets on, asks the guy on the isle seat to lift up the bag. He grabs the handle and the way he jerked, shows ugow he misjudged how heavy it was. Struggle to lift it as the bag contorts, like the thing was filled with lead bars. Whole time I’m thinking, 

I would counter that the japenese government innovation investment fund wants to see consolodation in the Japanese manufacturers.

Oh they screw up at times. A large dealership near me lost nearly 2 dozen trucks. needless to say the manger was canned.

that was a whole other idea he had. 

The boring company uses off the shelf boring machines. 

Especially when they get their re-enlistment bonus.