
“Yeah, you go ahead and drive your fancy foreign Tesla, all the way from Frémont.

Australia is part of the American South West in spirit if not by law.

Re: fact #2: They should have just changed the venue to the Four Seasons in Philadelphia. That door looks plenty wide!

Sounds like you’ve got a case of the Thursdays.

No.... No, man...Shit, no man. I believe you’d get your ass kicked driving somethin like that, man.

“Are you telling me, you built a time machine... out of a Bricklin?”  - Marty McFly in an alternate, better timeline.  The Delorean gave those two nothing but problems

If I were him, I’d probably just be yelling it out to random strangers whether they recognized it or not.

I saw one of these driving through the grocery store parking lot a couple of months ago. I said to myself, “Holy shit, is that a Bricklin?” and the guy must have read my lips because he yelled out the window, “Yeah, it’s a Bricklin!”.

Or maybe this Bloodsport will eventually reveal that his name is Richard T. Joker or whatever and it will be a huge surprise.

1970s boat Cadillac you say? Richard Dawson over here like...

It’s a piece of shit.

that is the take away for sure.

“Oh the fools! if only they’d built it with 6001 hulls! When will they learn?”

She’s built like a steakhouse, but handles like a bistro.

Username checks out.

Needed some fenders. 

They obviously didn’t yank on the straps and say “yeah that ain’t going anywhere” before they drove off. #1 rule of securing a load.

If they can keep the board, they can easily pay for a new windshield! /s

I actually love the pools in NYC, I grew up near one of the best, the John Jay! Moses was a force, but he did have to bend on some things, and I’m sure he considered pools and rec centers part of the “hygene” needed by the poors. It was a complex time and he was a complex man, I hear about his legacy through the

To be fair, Robert Moses hated all poor people, from black to Irish to Latino to Jew, although he was born into a Jewish family. He was a singularly prejudiced and hateful man who probably would’ve aspired to command an extermination camp had he been born in different circumstances. He reminds me quite a bit of