Jury nullification!
Jury nullification!
He’d be hard pressed to validate that a political fundraiser was official government business.
Meh. Postal workers are asked to AVOID BACKING UP WHENEVER POSSIBLE. https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2007/html/pb22214/info.9.15.html
I may also have used my small child as a tool in negotiations at a dealership...
Glad you added diesel in the end, cuz I run out of that once on the Capitol Beltway. Had an ‘84 190D and the float in the tank didn’t work lower than half a tank. I would use the ODO to help determine how much I had left. I was sick with the flu trying to get back from somewhere...
And if the PS5 were a more necessary commodity, this behavior would be considered GOUGING which IS illegal in many places.
Never knew these existed and now I need one. Gone are the days of comparing the bolts end to end to eyeball if the threading/thickness is the same!
No ABS is an ADVANTAGE in icy conditions.
Ice storms and rain freezing on all of their overpasses is nothing new to the Dallas Ft. Worth area.
Screw Maxine. This is the chair that made a point in denying Rep. Katie Porter a slot on the committee in the new congress, likely because she was pissed Porter was stealing the show from her with reasoned fact based arguments on reforming our financial system. Waters is a joke.
On two seperate occasions in the last 5 years I’ve opted for a Uber (slipped disk) and self-drive (cut finger to bone, bleeding like crazy and still managed to get my 3 pedal car to the ER). All because back in my 20s I was hit by a car while I was on my bike and foolishly accepted the ambulance ride to the ER so they…
Well next time the sign maker should leave the quotation marks home.
Well the Switch port is fully voiced so I’d assume this is as well but I could be wrong.
As a fellow old who has given this game a go, I suggest giving it a try. At first, yes you’ll be off-put, but once you open up the Gambits everything changes. I’ve become just as addicted to the combat in XII as I have been the more traditional turn based.
All this needs is one of the window louvers. My father’s buddy had this same one (but with louvers) when I was a kid. I remember marveling by it. Perhaps that’s what started my Mazda obsession.
I would argue that the Executive Branch has amassed more power in the last 15 years since the formation of our government. The Legislative Branch has been seceding their own powers to the Executive for decades.
Being a fan of the first 3, Just Cause 4 was a LETDOWN
Those will be much more dependent on your particular TV as well as the lighting environment you play in. I suggest you set yourself up in the most common situation you find yourself in lighting wise and then play around with the settings to get your brightness levels set.