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    Those will be much more dependent on your particular TV as well as the lighting environment you play in. I suggest you set yourself up in the most common situation you find yourself in lighting wise and then play around with the settings to get your brightness levels set.

    Our boy is growing up *wipes tear away* so proud

    The Moore movies win for the superior innuendo alone.

    Now playing

    Yea, but that clip isn’t as good without the slidey whistle sound...

    This will hopefully get me through the harsh harsh winter ahead...


    And a very healthy sovereign fund...

    Superglue? Naw, you’re thinking rubber cement...

    You were also sacked last week. Apologies to the Jalop crew, those responsible for sacking these jokers will be sacked.

    Seriously. You see that thing bobbing off the bumpstops?! WTF kind of suspension tuning is that?

    Pretty sure you were sacked last week...

    I’m actually surprised that the inside bead didn’t pop on that tire...

    I dug a little and looks like its an OTF tune from what looks like a legit operation, and seems to be a reflash unit rather than piggyback. But I’m not a fan of one size fits all tunes the concept seems antithetical to what tuning is!

    Tune is 100% greatest concern here. Who did it? Or is this some “off the shelf” tune they sell you with the tuner handheld (those are shit). You can get away with shit tunes on an N/A without doing too much damage...not at all the case with FI.

    I sold off my Sharp portable player/recorder in 2003 to buy some mushrooms...  ah college

    Minidisks were also a staple medium for people who record live shows at festivals and the like.

    My 2013 came with a 6 disk changer...when I swapped head units I forgot to unload the disks and later sold the unit off to someone on a forum. That guy got a weird selection of CDs let me tell ya!

    The NC1 Miatas had a MiniDisc expansion as an option - super rare.

    That is some really impressive cutting there. I bet those welders make a pretty penny for these jobs.

    Mmmm, propane injection.