I think my brother is on his 3rd set now...
I think my brother is on his 3rd set now...
I them all my stars!
This, and the opener for season two are my favs
This is fun, Erin! Wish AS would give them like a 4 episode send out so Doc and Jackson can wrap it.
Those pictures are simply breathtaking. Thanks for sharing this write up, Robb. I look forward to hearing about your record breaking run next year!
“Who does this?” Douchbags, Jason, douchbags.
I keep hearing the same thing about cocaine, but can never tell the difference...
Likely...eye lube is a fairly common product:
Dude thought he was getting a Lambo...
They are the re-worked marque of Diamond Star
If you fly inside the National Capital SFRA, do F-16s scramble from Andrews to intercept your craft?
Why does this V8 Diesel have COPs?
Not sure of the details for this pump, but in my experience with a Bosch mechanical pump you may find that there are rubber seals that have shrunk and let the fuel out at the hard line connections. R&R with Viton o-rings. The fuel return system is also another spot where seals go bad and fuel leaks.
Came here to note this! I remember redoing the headliner with my Dad as a kid on the hand me down Reliant. We pulled it, peeled the fabric off and scraped away the dry-rotted foam layer. Then hit the liner board with a can of spray adhesive, carefully re-apply the fabric and you’re good to go. All this said, it’s way…
Ajit Pai doesn’t consider data a utility....most of the rest of the country does.
All depends on the market area and available competition. My parents in bumblef North Carolina have one choice for ISP and it’s DSL (copper wire). Meanwhile I have 3 to choose from, and I get a 1 Gig Up & Down fiber connection with no cap for $80 a month and let me tell ya I use it.
literally tonnes upon tonnes of hydrogen in the ocean.
I think it’s more of a further realization of the original game - making a skate video - that’s just editing out your bail!
NC & ND both have factory roll bars.