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    I resemble this...

    Waaay too many cones...I assume this org. has a whole trailer dedicated to cones?

    What a fantastic write-up, Ken. Thanks for pulling this together! These photos are fantastic!

    And that's assuming you even have a garage you can work in if you're living in Jersey City

    Make it a documentary on this history of Mattel and Hot Wheels?


    This is almost as bad as drunk driving. This should be a statutory loss of license for a minimum of 2 years...and in Virginia, a criminal record.

    Under that blackout is a Maryland plate, and youll find this car in the left lane going 55mph

    I was wondering why he kept his “hand” in his jacket pocket for the first few mins! Figured he had a knife or something...

    TOO MANY JANS IN THAT QUADRANT! You can’t have more than...

    And the idea of ‘race’ is not backed by any hard science.


    Your highly illustrative diagram earned a star from me.

    Techs failed to torque down my lug nuts after a tire rotation. Drivers rear wheel detaches from my car at 55mphs on I-95 just south of Baltimore. The wheel shot across 5 lanes of traffic - HITTING NO ONE - and got lodged between the center guard rail and the grass.

    YUUUP. What I loved about Shodown was the SWORD/WEAPON play. Didn’t have much of that back then, other than the couple characters in MK, but that wasn’t even close to what they did with Shodown. When Soul Caliber came out, I immediately gravitated to it as it reminded me of Samuri Shodown...

    I disagree, Mazda has been incorporating thinner and thinner headlight designs, Jeep and BMW too. And these are actual production models, not  concepts.

    Jacking from the differential eliminates suspension droop?  ...oh solid axle?

    Ok that is awesome. Thank you.

    I can’t remember where I was taught this, but yep. 

    Indeed. Lots of all three of the Tesla models in NoVA