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    Indeed. I’m not even sure why Mazda put those things they call visors in the NC’s


    Never realized the value of the cupholder until owning the ‘84 190D, the “cup holders” were 1/4” depressions on the inside of the glovebox door.

    ND, eh? Kinda sad they’re including more of these fancy bells and whistles....

    WTF Kentucky - In VA he would have been assessed ~$1200 in fines and anywhere from 180 to 360 days in jail along with a revocation of driving privileges for 1 year.

    Jia - this piece is so fantastic! I am sharing this with just about everyone I know. We need more long form pieces like these. Thank you thank you thank you.

    A couple weeks ago there was a small "union" protest outside of the Whiting Turner construction site @ the corner of Galleria and Tyson's Blvd. Small as in there were less than a dozen folks standing on the sidewalk with signs and their giant inflatable rat - thats it! The most trouble this was causing were a few

    Clear and copious!

    Having a Virginia license is unfortunate as well - one of the few states in the union that has reciprocity with all 50 states...ALL 50 STATES!!! So you get a ticket in Alaska - VA DMV finds out fast and you get hit with the AK penalty and the VA DMV penalty...