
Think of alllll the IP that Activision has. What do they do with it? Nothing. Candycrush prints money with minimal work. They only release an annual CoD because that’s their biggest console/PC money maker. Most of their IP sits dormant, and the annual release is always a huge gamble because it needs to be better than

We’re not talking about someone stealing a loaf of bread to feed their sister’s starving child. Yes, shit has been getting real. However there are no shortages of businesses hiring, desperate for workers.

Swing and a miss. Does Apple license iOS or Lightning for use in non Apple phones/pads/computers? No, they don’t.

Step 1- move to someplace where there are more cows than people...

Again, how is it an industry standard? The carriers aren’t pushing it. Apple doesn’t use it. Google has a variation of it. In actuality, Google is trying to push for it to be standard by first trying to coerce Apple into using it (they won’t), and then second by going to the carriers. Which goes back to my main point-

RCS ain’t an industry standard... It’s a 15 year old protocol that hasn’t been fully implemented anywhere, nor will it ever be an industry standard. The carriers have zero incentive to spend the money to implement it, and even if they did, because iOS doesn’t use it it’s DOA for the carriers- why would they roll

It all comes down to Google not sticking with a single solution product and being too scared to tell the carriers to STFU. It’s not like 2007 where there was danger from other OS competitors Blackberry, Palm, Nokia, and Microsoft. There’s no other real competitors now to Android and iOS. Apple isn’t going to

I don’t like RCS to be specific. It’s trash. It’s another carrier controlled standard that’s nearly 15 years old (and has things a 15 year old standard has, and not a lot of modern things). The standard is tied to your mobile number (which is tied to a carrier) and cannot be easily modified without a ton of

iOS has had widgets for a few years now...

It’s common for Android users to complain that they would never use iOS because it doesn’t offerXYZ”- but generally iOS doesn’t do that because it doesn’t need to, XYZ is a solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist on the platform. iMessage works out of the box better than any other standard sms/mms offering an

what customization are you looking for?

Long time google user, that switched to iphone 5 years. I think it’s hilarious that Google/Android fanbois cry about Apple bullying people into using iOS, especially with the green/blue bubbles. Google does a lot of things well (search, Chrome, Maps, Earth, Calendar, Gmail), but their messaging offerings are a complete

Cheap on site batteries are not yet a thing. 

Another problem besides load bearing limits of roofs- utility companies. The way solar works is a customer produces electricity, uses what they need at that exact instant, and then sells the surplus to their utility company. There’s often no storage of surplus energy. If the utility company doesn’t offer a

Even if you’re fired for cause, there’s still a payout (just lower than other situations). Generally a change in ownership provides an ironclad severance clause regardless of why you’re then terminated by the new owners. But regardless, the main nut is the stock he already owns. You can’t take already vested stock.

Infinite doesn’t feel like a game developed over 6 years. It feels like a first draft that was rushed into final form without adequate revisions- a 50 page term paper written the night before it was due. Yes, obviously COVID had a massive global impact, but the pandemic started March 2020, and Infinite was originally

Most importantly, when are they releasing goddamn grifball?!?

KoH you as a solo player have to clock the most time in a single zone (that moves over time), uncontested by other players to get your timer running. Strongholds is a team game where your team has to hold 2 of 3 non-moving zones to get their timer going (with a bonus if you can hold all 3).

Ask any Halo fan, they would have GLADLY paid $60 if they got a functioning game with co-op, forge, unlockable cosmetic content, a functional battle-pass, slayer on launch, more than 3 maps. They released half a game for the purpose of gouging whales, and used the FTP as an excuse

Reminiscent of the flash “high frequency trading” that took place in the late Aughts, where traders with super fast internet and bots were able to see buy orders that were incoming, rapidly buy those shares (which increase in value with more people looking to buy), and then rapidly sell them to fulfill that order,