
That was my first thought, “you sonsabitches were holding out on us!” I have half a mind to forgo the initial 2023 model (allegedly coming out this spring) and waiting for the 2024, in hopes that it has more than 6 shades of black/grey/white to choose from

Bleeding heart liberal here, also an avid gun collector, and would also also be ok with revoking the 2nd amendment tomorrow. The problem with pro gun control politicians is they don’t just want reasonable restrictions, they want to ban personal gun ownership. That’s their end goal. Every time they pass a new

Because the terms and conditions of every agreement you sign with a corporation call for arbitration and thus preclude a class action. Unfortunately for the little guy, the only one that’s a bigger fan of arbitration than large corporations is the court system. They’re overwhelmed with their caseload- every case that

Fahrenheit is superior for the similar reasons why metric is so good- it’s incredibly precise. It’s also a  system with a relationship to human lives and activities. Below 0F is focking cold as balls and dangerous to be outside without adequate protection for extended periods of time, it’s below the freezing point of

If it’s NDB, why do you care?

Get outta here, green bubble pleb!”

Yes, Celsius is based upon WATER temperature of boiling and freezing. And for science, celsius is superior.

It’s just frustrating. I bought the OG Xbox because I played Halo at a friend’s house. I’ve invested thousands of dollars in MS walled garden (bought every xbox console, countless controllers, Xbox Live since day 1, idk how many games, got my friends to buy MS consoles as well) because of the experience they provided.

“Open world” in quotes because its actually 3 different large staging areas in-between the scripted indoor missions. Until the end of the game you can’t leave the island you’re on. Copy/paste foliage and copy/paste encounters. I’d wager that they had most of the linear indoor missions completed, but there was a

I’m generally not a fan of 343. They’re comprised of developers who didn’t actually like Halo, and they’ve taken active steps to make it a clone of whatever’s hot in the market. Fortunately, Infinite got away from the class-based COD format and went back to an arena based shooter, which is good. But the initial

I once read that English isn’t really anyone’s home language (e.g. Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, etc etc). It’s the language used to communicate with people from a different area; business; and the internet. So with the web you’re going to get things in english and typically American-style customs. Hence

The downside of the grappling hook is it makes the transition to MP harder. In prior Halos, you’d change tactics going between Campaign/MP because your opponents were smarter and shielded. But here I got super reliant on using the GH to move around the field, snatch ammo/coils, and close the gap. In MP you get the GH

“By the way we had to replace your roof. It was peeling off in resentment of the rest of the car...”

Gotta love the oil change upsells! The jabronies offering $35 full synthetic oil changes down the block tried to upsell my wife everything just shy of blinker light fluid on her 4 year old car with 25k miles. Transmission flush and coolant flush; $200 antibacterial/fungal climate control sanitation; $100 cabin air

You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me. “The Other Guys” is a goddamn national treasure!

I use a drill to tighten the lugs, impact only for loosening.

IDK about you, but if I pay someone money to service my vehicle (a service they offer and advertise), and they are grossly incompetent, fuck it up, and cause damage leaving me worse off than when I started, there’s gonna be hell to pay. Full stop. No if’s, and’s or but’s.

You must be fun at parties

But if you’re not in the showroom in person, how are they going to hit you with the 4 square and the anti-rust proofing add-ons?

My sister-in-law just bought a Mach E over a Benz cross-over/mini suv. She’s not an enthusiast, just wanted the comforts of a luxury car. She would have NEVER spent that much scratch on a Ford with a blue oval logo on the hood (and hates all domestics). But the only logos on the Mach E are the pony. GENIUS marketing,