
No, it means a sales rush to sell products with dwindling tax credit program. We saw the same thing with solar panels, it’s a seller’s dream- full money in your pocket but the customer is getting a discount.

The income caps don’t make that much sense to me. Generally, if you have limited income you are less likely to buy something brand new and take the depreciation hit, when you can get a used one that’s a few years older for a lot cheaper. But then again, someone has to be making the fiscally bad decision to buy things

Not really a mask situation. Symptoms include explosive diarrhea, which leads to fecal particles everywhere (those industrial high pressure toilets don’t help). Then the infected doesn’t wash their hands as well as they should (or some part of their clothing is contaminated and they touch that contaminant,

+1. My original comment was summarized as “conform” when it was actually about taking steps to raise your social status (including popular hobbies) so that you’re less of a target. Don’t have to outrun the bear, just those lowest in the social structure

That Norman Rockwell whole turkey on the dining room table moneyshot is VASTLY overrated.

You can tent it so long as you poke holes to vent for steam. That’s how you get chinese takeout that’s crispy not soggy.

The increases in size weren’t due to styling, but safety regulations. It’s incredibly difficult to build something that small while still complying with U.S. and EU requirements- even without an engine.

Small coupe, rwd, with 3 pedals? Just wait 3 more months for the Z and get 400 ponies and a factory warranty

So instead of independent contractors, the trucking companies should switch to hourly and pay for the idle time caused by the port’s screw ups?

Keep in mind, the list are low-hanging fruit of things that you can do to raise your social standing and be less of a target. It’s not a list for how to be popular, nor do you need to follow every step. It’s more of, “here are some reasons you may be getting targeted to have the shit kicked out of you.

Some (but not all) of the people buying Mach E’s are cross-shopping them with higher end luxury brands like Tesla, X5, GLE’s, E-trons, etc. They aren’t previous Ford owners. Before the Mach E, Ford didn’t have any real premium offerings.

Kids from broken homes with abusive parents can be bullies. Kids from well to do homes with loving and caring parents can also be bullies. Middle/High school is Lord of the Flies. Kids are hitting puberty, hormones are going wild and they’re getting their first taste of autonomy and agency. It’s their first society

Aforementioned GMoney. It wasn’t so much about conforming (you don’t need to be a moderately attractive heterosexual caucasian from a well to do family to avoid bullying). It is more about social standing. Middle/high school is a jungle and reputation/standing is everything (it is more like Lord of the Flies than

I don’t need free. I’ll GLADLY pay $59.99-$69.99 for a game that’s fun and brings me dozens (if not hundreds) of hours of entertainment.

Let’s start at the beginning. Middle School and High School are an incredibly difficult time. Kids are starting to mature and its their first taste of autonomy and agency. It’s these kids first foray into being apart of and forming their first society- with all the hierarchies and class structures.

They called the Mach E a “Mustang” and emblazoned it with the mustang logo everywhere because no one would spend that much money for a blue oval. The “Ford” name is not a luxury/premium brand by any means, but “Mustang” has far better goodwill in the market. We screamed sacrilege when it was announced, but if you sit

There’s a difference between the advice you’d give parents and the advice (and words) you’d use with a kid. The central thesis still remains- the best way to not be bullied is to take steps to raise your social standing in your environment, which makes you less of a target. Bullies primarily go after those with low

That’s the exact issue, for middle schoolers and high schoolers many of those items ARE in their control. Is every single child bullied? No. So what’s the difference between those who the bullies leave alone and those the bullies target? Not everyone is the same, there’s a wide variety of diversity- you don’t have to

Society we live in is messed up and vain. It could and should be different. If my child is being bullied, I don’t really care about making the world an overall better and bully-free place, I care about making sure they’re not bullied right now. Bullying has an extremely damaging effect to a young person’s psyche and

Let’s start at the top. I’m sorry if my response somehow triggered you, truly, as that was not my intention. This article expressly asked for the best advice on how to deal with bullies. My contribution was “don’t be a target” and “here’s a variety of items you can try to work on that bullies traditionally target.”