
When you’re buying a single family home, you’re NOT just buying for the characteristics of your house, there are a lot of factors that go into it. You’re buying for the school districts. You’re buying for the location and distance to stores, malls, major highways, work. You’re buying for the look of the neighborhood,

Give it a Hyundai style warranty and you'd be in business. I'd love to buy an Alfa. But I don't think they're reliable and them nakedly saying "it's better we swear! But we won't warrant that..." doesn't cut it

FYI, her dad is a banker

That’s every single corporation in the history of corporations. That’s a corporation’s job: to make money.

I know people like to think corporations are “evil” but they’re not. A corporation is a business, no different than any other business, that exists for the purpose of making money for its owners. Making money is not inherently good or bad, moral or immoral. The steps a company takes (short and long term) may be more

They are done to placate Wall Street. For most public companies the greatest asset they have is their stock price. 20 years ago a company’s stock price was tied to its profitability. And a public company has only one primary objective: make money for their owners (the shareholders).

For years Google defensively overhired engineers to stockpile them like pokemon cards so that a break through wouldn’t occur for a competitor. They do very little and the company is very conservative to avoid disruption of their core services. Think about the last great breakthrough Google product/service they

If you travel, just use your iPad and cast from the pad to the TV. Or bring your apple TV with you.

Remember when Apple invented the iPod and iPhone and then other companies starting coming out with “iProducts” to try to piggyback off of Apple’s cachet and brand?

You can google some basics on TM, as you have no idea what you’re talking about. You must defend against infringers today, or you can lose to infringers tomorrow. If you don’t want anyone else selling Oyster watches, defend your TM.

See my longer reply to RocketDoc below. The question isn’t whether you’re legally required to sue everyone (you’re not), it’s whether someone can claim down the line that you’re not defending your TM, or you’ve acquiesced to public use, or it’s become generic, and that therefore the TM should be invalid. “See, Rolex

Google trademark acquiescence and genericide:

Precisely. TM charges a 10-30% fee when the ticket is originally sold. Then when the tickets are resold through TM’s platform, TM recharges the same fee. Bots are GREAT for their business because it lets TM double dip on fees, and triple dip if someone has to sell their tickets because they can’t go.

Once again, because we have to do this all the time:

Ding ding ding! When dealing with a side that doesn’t argue in good faith and will spin everything, you need to stick to your most prominent points and get those achieved. Bang for buck. Simple sound bites don’t have time for nuance. Dems need to stop pushing for policy that’s a drop in the bucket. It won’t get

At least lobster and crab are rich...

Most people are not good with money. Most don’t know how to budget. But many of us get thousands in cash back/travel credit from using our credit card, without ever paying any fees or interest. Yet somehow the credit card companies are making a profit.

“If you have a credit card problem”

Sloping roofline AND only 2 doors.

“I don’t understand the big deal, there’s no way someone could confuse FSD with full self driving”- Tesla Stans.