#9- Not realizing at the time you got married, that “marriage” is just a business relationship legally recognized by the state, that confers rights and obligations, that can be very expensive to wind down.
#9- Not realizing at the time you got married, that “marriage” is just a business relationship legally recognized by the state, that confers rights and obligations, that can be very expensive to wind down.
If you’re a single income household, the breadwinner isn’t the only person “working.” The stay-at-home spouse has a full-time 24/7 job of maintaining the house and raising the children (and forgoing their own career options) so that the breadwinner doesn’t need to focus on any of those logistic items and can just…
My wife and I do both. We have separate accounts for our personal expenses and allowance, and a joint account/CC for joint expenses (that we fund in equal percentages). The zelle back and forth grew tiresome and burdensome and lead to tit for tat. If my share of dinner was 60% of the total plus tax/tip, etc. why is…
The best frame of mind is to think of a relationship as a business partnership. This isn’t to say it should be cold and platonic, but that there are a TON of logistics that need to be considered for a fruitful union. You both need to take care of yourself, your partner, and your business. You need to play to each…
I would have loved the Stinger. If it had 3 pedals and was sold by one of their sister dealers instead. The K5 is also fantastic. It would also benefit from being sold as a different brand
If you want to drive a go-cart why not just get a go-cart? https://www.miniusa.com/
It piggybacks off solar. If you’re primarily charging your car at home and/or work, then you seldom need to go to a charging station
You do recognize that your maintenance costs will be substantially higher on a 20 year old car than a brand new one, right?
The last one was not “a technicality.” Cosby was in potential trouble both civilly and criminally. The victim was pursuing a civil suit ($, not prison) and wanted Cosby to be deposed/testify. Cosby would not, or if he would, would only plead the 5th (it’s under oath and lying is perjury which is a crime), thus…
I’d take the inconvenience of a car not starting until I’ve blown for the trade off of not having to worry about drunk drivers on the road. It’s not a personal liberty matter. I have zero control over some jackass getting fuckrd in half and driving instead of taking an Uber (“I need my car for work!”) and doing 90 the…
I’ll do you one better. There are in fact so many laws, the GOVERNMENT doesn’t actually know how many ways there are to criminally break the law! True story https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304319804576389601079728920
I have a CJ degree from a state school (not a junior college). It hangs above my shitter. Because that’s where it belongs and is about all it’s worth.
Orange needle cap is enough for probable cause in most places, as syringe possession is often a misdemeanor. They’ll then search, find no contraband but find your insulin and then NOT give you a ticket or arrest you. Unless you piss them off. But you’re correct, being polite is key. If they illegally arrest you, you…
They cannot prolong the stop for the purpose of getting a k9 search onsite unless they have reasonable suspicion. If you get pulled over, turn on your phone camera and leave it running (don’t point it in the cop’s face, I usually film the rear view mirror showing the cop getting out of their car, while I audibly note…
I didn’t say to get someone canned if they’re having a bad week or month or going through a temporary rough patch. You implied that part. My original post was talking about most of these “jerk” behaviors are co-workers who are gaming the system and generally it’s not my business because it doesn’t affect me.
“Squeaky wheel gets the grease”
Some of these things are jerks (gaslighters and neglectful/micromanging bosses). The others are... gaming the system? Unfortunately that line we were fed as kids about “just doing good work and you’ll be rewarded” isn’t remotely true, coupled with being taught to avoid conflict. Everyone equally gets credit, lockstep…
I never cared about noise until I moved into a place near a Harley Dealership. Jesus H Christ, loud enough to wake the dead at 7am
The better play would be a partner with all the major players for Apple to design the car UI. Every car in the portfolio would need to meet the same minimum standards, screens and control inputs, but based on the trim it would have more or fewer features (night vision mode would only be on the higher trim cars that…
That’s how they break into new areas. Partnering with someone, learning the new business, and then breaking off. They did this with the iPhone, partnering first with Motorola for the Rokr itunes phone, then with AT&T with the iPhone. No established auto manufacturer is dumb enough to partner with Apple for a car.