gmctavish needs more space

Just a picture to remind everyone that BMW used to make beautiful automobiles.

Wait until you see how much Tahoes cost....

Now playing

Charles Barton’s excellent book Howard Hughes and his Flying Boat covers the development of the plane often called the Spruce Goose, a name Hughes hated. Barton interviewed people who actually worked on the project. While the plane itself was a failure, techniques and technologies developed in the process of building

The real reason for flying boats was the fixed pitch prop. Prior to adjustable pitch props you had either a climb or cruise prop, if you wanted to be able to cruise at altitude at a decent speed and at a low cruise RPM you needed a flat pitch prop. This was the equivalent of fifth gear in a car and just like top gear

The first like 200,000 were super low cost,” he said, but things went up dramatically from there.

OK, and I can not stress this enough, Boomer.

I mean, Musk is right; a monoculture grove of trees planted to be harvested as cardboard stock isn’t the same as bulldozing the Amazon. This isn’t old-growth forest. How many times has Volkswagen cleared trees to build a factory without a peep from anybody?

Christ! Whatever job you have isn’t worth it.

Living on the side of the ocean with healthcare

TBH aren’t all Bugatti’s ugly?

It also vastly under states the effect on travel time.

Two hours extra though, that is not good. Eight hours driving is one thing, ten hours on the road is another. That recharge time has got to come down, it cannot be as long as thirty minutes with a supercharger. It has to be five minutes, maybe ten tops. 

oof that faceplant, what a shot!


Yeah, that’s an SUV. 

“Volvo Keeps Doing This”
From the photo, I thought you meant they make every car in their lineup look exactly the same :P
(Not a bad thing, actually... when you develop a brand identity that handsome, why not exploit it for all it’s worth?)

That'll fix their sales. Another antiquated engine that costs more than others complete motorcycle. 

I’ve never wanted anyone to be as wrong as I want you to be right now.

This is going to be pedantic, but the Fat Lip front bumper change on the ‘99-’02 4Runner is the one that irks me on a personal level.

I have never heard of anyone saying the US or Truman were heroic for using nuclear weapons. The discussion is always whether it was the right call balancing the number of lives on both sides that would have been lost if the Japanese home islands had to be invaded to end the war against the losses from the bombs, and