The Model T actually is pretty simple to drive, and its control layout makes a lot of sense. You just have to put yourself into the mindset of somebody who has never seen a car before.
The Model T actually is pretty simple to drive, and its control layout makes a lot of sense. You just have to put yourself into the mindset of somebody who has never seen a car before.
Alternate Headline
After getting asspacked by a church van in my Ecoboost Stang. I’d say based on that alone, I’d buy another.
DELICA! I will never forget you!
“basically an LS1 V8 with two cylinders lopped off”
Just about any RWD car with 300Hp or better can get loose on a wet road surface especially when too much throttle is applied. Natually it had to be a Mustang to demonstrate this effect.
Now more than ever, I’m convinced Father John Misty is a genius. Not just because his own music is great, or because…
Some say, that’s actually the Stig’s natural voice.
To hate how the Prius looks is to misunderstand science.
It’s all going to come down to chemistry (as is the rest of the show). The only Star-in-a-Car segments I liked were those where you could tell the person was actually excited to be there, were legitimately interested in cars or car culture, or where the star and Clarkson had an easy rapport and you could tell they…
Hand crafted semen.
The only thing worse than a millennial is a burnout GenXer who bitches about millennials, or a Boomer who’s “pulled themselves up by the bootstraps” of being born in to one of the luckiest generations to ever be born.
To be fair, it’s probably hard to talk yourself into giving up when you’re still regularly winning states.