gmctavish needs more space

I love how the 2 door 1 series had to become the 2 door 2 series to make room for a 4 door 1 series. Much like how the 2 door 3 series became the 2 door 4 series, but there’s still a 4 door 4 series if you want 2 more doors than the 2 door 3 series. Luckily, the 2 door 5 series was always the 6 series, but the 2 door

Remember Isuzu?

That NSX wheel actually looks pretty good for a 90's airbag wheel.

Lotus esprit

Ford C series was in production over 30 years virtually unchanged and it was awesome. Functioned as everything from race car haulers to fire trucks to flat beds to truck tractor to could and did do anything. Stone reliable too. COE is a great thing until you work on one.

Just a casual reminder that this is Turn 9 of the Baku street circuit.

Why I Fuck Up My Cars

“The tint is illegal,” he told me, “but I’ve never gotten pulled over for it.”

Which has now come full circle as applied to a BMW Mini, since the original Seven became the Dixi, the car that launched BMW into the automotive field.

Huh, didn’t know they offered the SS trim on the 81 Vette.


BMWs have a V6 a million Craigslist sellers can't be wrong

I do make $100k/year and I support him. I dont want anything for free (except free Uber rides like that guy in Funbag lucked into) but I would appreciate it if roads and bridges were maintained/improved.

Yeah, I’m sure he has had many interactions with “socialist-minded” people and that they have “berned” him! That’s a totally plausible scenario, just like God talking to him.

If Jesus came back, the “Christians” today would accuse him of blasphemy and burn him at the stake.

Now playing

Disregard ABBA,

Replace with JSDF playing Decisive Battle

Let me see... I recently got myself a 2014 Mirage. Basic model, 5-speed manual, 74 bhp, 74 lb-ft, weighs less than a ton. I should be suffering, right?

Don't forget the Expo and Expo LRV! The Eagle Summit came with optional AWD, to boot!