gmctavish needs more space

Me too! The stench of the commoners make me sick! We let those peasants out of the fields and now they want to fly. Eff them !

For the first time I sincerely wish there was a unrecommend button I could press. Its rare that I read a comment that I totally disagree with. Very rare.

This more appropriate.

Why is everyone fighting on this thread? >.<

No offence, but fuck off.

Ban words. Ban books. Ban hand gestures. This is what happens when you let media think for you. Manufactured outrage by people who never cared or watched TG. If you have a problem with the sounds someone makes with their mouth then don't buy their tshirt. If you rally for them to loose their job, business, and

Found this last night, knew it would come in handy one day, but certainly not this quickly.

Imagine cross-country bus patrons wearing suits and ties... If this happened today I think someone would call the cops.

Good call. I feel like I'm watching an entire post from $kay if she were born in the 40's.

LS Side profile

And we've come full circle back to the boxer engine layout!

Well, Mark Fields is Jewish. Ford's next car will be powered by Henry Ford turning in his grave.


This guy has truly cornered the market on being wrong.

Nothing says luxury like the word "fuck", speaking too loudly/closely into a cheap-ass mic, mispronouncing everything, and audible spit-talking/drooling.