
Jay Cutler could sure use some lingerie.

I blame, as always, Thierry Henry.

Coleman, the starting right back for Premier League club Everton, will almost certainly not be available for the club’s Merseyside derby against Liverpool next week

It’s not in either party’s favor so much as it is player and team collaborating against the spending cap rules. Presumably a player’s agent will understand the contract well enough so that both player/team are kinda winking at each other as they sign the deal. Nick Foles shouldn’t be surprised when his contract

Dom, I just want to say thanks, you are killing it with these football articles. Incredibly informative.

I was once alarmed by a bustle in my hedgerow, but then I heard a song that gave me the sage advice to not be alarmed by it. Changed my life.

Psh. I could’ve beat those dogs.

Dream scenario - Win the Champions League, be relegated to the Championship

Counter point: Paul Pogba is good, but massively overrated.


Both teams made smart and prudent moves, though the praise for Houston is blunted by the fact that they signed Osweiler to begin with.

It’s an NBA-style move that’s drawing comparisons to what Sam Hinkie did with The Process in Philadelphia.

Worth reminding people, this is a new Cleveland front office as of last offseason.

This is correct, too. But there’s no doubting, as The Wrath of Kuhn said, that the Texans are cutting their losses after having made a huge mistake.

Browns made a smart move. Now I can’t wait to see how they fuck up all the draft picks.

Yeah, this is actually quite un-Browns of them.

And what would they be doing out of the kitchen in the first place? Too many unanswered questions.

Wide Men Can’t Jump

Light(weight)cycles, disc wars, unexplained crashes. Where’s Tron when you need him?

It (your finger) is on the tip of my tongue.