
So a Seahawk decided to pass at the last minute, huh.

According to Forbes, the potential buyer is illiquid and would thus have to take on more debt than MLB might be comfortable with in order to satisfy the $1.6 billion price tag.

Nah, dude. She the TRUTH.

It will be interesting to hear them talk about this during the super bowl tomorrow.

Tom Cruise is too short to be a Green Lantern.

I don’t understand why you posted two photos of the same guy.

I think you mean KluKlas Klan :)

He was pretty Brigham Old.

Despite the fact I don’t recognize the name whatsoever I will tweet “WHEN WILL THE HORROR OF 2016 END?????”

The abject misery is kind of why I dug it. Like it forces present day audiences into the mindset a 1977 audience would have entered the picture with you know? In the mid to late 70s cinema was full of BLEAK thanks to the stranglehold New Hollywood had.

Frankly, the move away from Jedi/Republic = good, Sith/Empire = Bad, is the best thing that came out of Rogue One. Seeing the Rebels be selfish dicks, and seeing heroes working to topple the Empire from within is what made the movie, really.

To be fair, the 12th man stuff is lame as fuck.

It killed the Radiostar.

I thought the headline was “Shitlessness” and we’d get some sort of “I haven’t pooped for six months” email of the week.

Not that this counters your point, but interesting to think that Episodes II and III also don’t count if we’re going by a strict definition of the term “film.”

Finally, we get to see who voted for *&&Mxxx, MU#x—@@ to get in on the first ballot.. I have my sneaking suspicions it’s Gammons.

It’s one of those closely guarded secrets of the league, like how Antonio Gates used to play basketball.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

Reminds me of the classic VIZ letter…