
Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.

No, I am not saying they should be kissing the ground he walks on, but my understanding is that he is a generally good CEO and that Starbucks is a good place to work for if you have no skills.

Maybe they should have won a World Series sooner.

I love hearing about fans who are so intent on achieving an outcome that they will stop at nothing to get it.

“Are the Jets aware...”

he can’t read yet

Pretty sure furiously is the only way Greg Schiano knows how to masturbate.

As a City fan, would you say this is the most excited you’ve been since you were a United fan?

This also happened in Minnesota, but Blair Qalsh couldn’t really fault someone for pushing too far to the left.

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

“People in the drive-thru ask if I’m JaMarcus Russell. I tell them no, then tell them yes as they drive off.”

....he was constantly on the phone with his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua...

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

They get reimbursed through the valuable educators that a good football team brings to the...hahaha oh god sorry I can’t finish that bullshit line!

perhaps it was a bad stroke of luck

sad that he has another stent on the bench

“To Fred Smoot: The greatest two way player in the league”

"The Deadspin Brick" should be the name for Piggy Poop Balls massive poop on his balls.