
While I agree that everything here is awful, am I the only one who reads the “it” in the “do I want to fuck it” as being Lena?

As someone who watches like an hour of the Tour de France every year, total, I didn’t notice any difference. Either way, it’s just watching various camera angles of dudes pedaling hard on bikes through the French countryside with the occasional bozo fan running alongside them. I’ve never once thought about where the

swiper no swiping

To be Peak Canadian, it would be “Returning curling rocks you stole.”

It’s poor life choices and not pulling oneself up by the bootstraps, I’m sure. Maybe if they paid taxes and had skin in the game.

Stoppage time is not overtime.

An American wondering why the little people can’t have nice things is a little too on-the-nose even for kinja, don’t you think?

However, now that Performance Enhancing Brooms are involved I may not be able to let my children watch anymore...

? The hair of yourself? ;-)

Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.

-Ray Lewis.

Despite the fact that Simmons has, uh, limited camera appeal...

Maybe his post has been on hold all this time.

THE ROCK APP: Please login with your username.

Listen, I’m not saying this will get Dee off the hook. But if pop for Clostebol, you might as well go out looking like a champ. So here’s your excuse. You’re welcome.

“Sandoval has one walk and no hits in seven plate appearances this season.”

“We were in deep, man,” says Blaine Boyer without the slightest touch of irony.

“The appeal of the rescue is that it’s a happy ending,” says Janie Chuang without the slightest touch of irony.

Then there’s this: LaRoche, along with Brewers pitcher Blaine Boyer, spent 10 days in November in Southeast Asian brothels, wearing a hidden camera and doing undercover work to help rescue underage sex slaves.

Who Gat

Raising children is inexplicitly hard. Imagine how hard it must be to have all these burdens AND have your children live with you full-time as a single parent. I’d love to read an article by your ex to hear about her trials as a single mother raising 3 children on one income, how she manages childcare issues, making