
We all thought it. It had to bee done.

The problem with farting on the move is it follows you, and anyone you walk by is going to know it was you. In an elevator, everyone exists in a state of mutually assured destruction through uncertainty. Nobody knows for sure who did it and nobody is willing to finger anyone else for fear of being wrong and having the

Stair daggers would encourage more elevator use.

1. In the World Cup teams have one star per World Cup trophy on their jerseys (England, France, Spain have one star, Argentina, Uruguay, Italy and Germany have a couple, Brazil have about 36). It’s cool.

I’ll admit I am shocked that she got tripped up by the tennis PED police (who are generally useless) over an issue like this.

The NFL has fined Williams 50K for using pink looking emoji’s outside of the month of October.

But it’s been a great week for guys who have killed and were on your fantasy team in 2010 (see: Harrison, Marvin).

I would actually love this.

“I see you’re trying to advance in the playoffs, but you’ve left DeAndre Jordan in the game. Would you like me to fix that for you?”

Prosecutor: “Now Mr. Pierre-Paul, is the man who tweeted your medical records in the courtroom today?”

“As the equation explains, a baseball’s backspin gives it the lift it needs to leave the park, but its trajectory and force rely on the batter’s grit, determination, and ability to play the game the right way.”

Despicable. The only thing that should have been laid out flat on its side was the phone they used to film the workout.

Aaron Rodgers hopes the NFL continues to allow beards.

They are incredibly mediocre and far from fantastic.


That's weird...I thought Adam Johnson was the biggest R. Kelly fan in the EPL.

The Bong and Winding Road

I don’t agree about Deadspin having a disdain for running. Currently on the Fittish front page there are links to 6 (!!) stories about the trials, including this one. I’ve read more coverage of the trials here than anywhere else. At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I’ve really appreciated Sarah Barker’s coverage of

Not only were the trials on Saturday, there were actually 169 men racing on that day:

Dude, we all celebrate your running prowess, but you gotta look up “casual” in the dictionary. That’s an 8:36/mile pace. If you are running a marathon in less than four hours, you are — by definition — more than a casual runner.

The Stonyness of the Long Distance Runner