
That’s a paddlin fine

Mayochup is a knock off of Mayo-Ketchup.  Mayo-Ketchup is the long used Puerto Rican sauce for tostones and other fried foods is more on the mayo side but also has garlic and adobo, and sometimes sofrito.

Cheifs: We can’t keep Alex Smith as a backup and no one is going to give us anything for him so I guess we will just waive him

Mazda Mazda5... not so big, but big enough, perfect city mini-mini van.

Can someone please ‘Benny Hill’ this?

Does BMW even look at their competitors interiors? There is nothing wrong with this one, it’s just a bit old (classic if you prefer) on a brand new halo car.

Tearing off into the sunset from LA

But this is not the crux of the matter. A CUV is a car, just not in sedan form. It’s gas mileage isn’t as good as the sedan, but it’s not that far off. So the transfer from sedan to CUV is not a cliff. Now buying a Tahoe instead of a Malibu is a cliff, but that choice has always been there. Now it’s just buying a

RR is making a smooth move here, they are positioning this as an RR that you drive. There is a stigma on RR sedans that they always have a chauffeur. There are also many many super rich people that don’t want to be seen like that so they don’t consider a RR. Expect to see 10x more of these than the rest of the lineup

Does American Airlines Arena have openings on both sides? Live feed on the Jumbotron, air conditioning and stadium amenities, cars whizzing by... Stadium F1 anybody?

Well he did secretly and without permission create a super car based on an historic lineage that defines the brand almost as much as a model T, then stuck a V6 in it...

I think it was delivered from the factory to provide downforce and lower the center of gravity.

How did I come across the only two gits that don’t like a French joke? The sum of French jokes told by Brits is > 100X the French jokes told in the rest of the world.

1) it’s a joke, not great but still a joke, it doesn’t need a rebuttal... laugh or don’t

Maybe they think it’s French...

Almost all manufacturers are going away from physical buttons for even the most commonly used functions. It takes a lot of eye time off the road to find an option, click into and then adjust something simple like the temperature. These simple adjustments can routinely be done by feel alone with cars equipped with

It’s teal much?

That would be 2000 pesos, or 100 USD. you can switch currencies at the top. So go for it!

I remember explaining to hertz upon return how the transmission was broken. Then the next time I got one I realized it is what it is.... and I felt sad