
The US military has done studies on pilots and found that height is the primary factor. This has to do with the ability to move blood through the body when the g-forces are pushing blood to the extremities. The distance the blood needs to return is less and thus less stress on the heart and more oxygen for the brain.

No conspiracy here. The interior cameras feed live data to a local receptor. We see the interior camera feed that data until he says “i’ve crashed”. This technology is finicky that when large jolts or movements occur the feed breaks. In cycling cars and bikes have cameras that feed data live while traveling relatively

But why so gray? It hurts me, like watching tv with a pair of blueblockers over another pair of sunglasses. Ford has a color called avalanche gray that is more white then any white car in this movie. Also did they CGI extra shadowing in? There are shadows like I expect but then other odd darkening, like it’s taking

I don’t mind it in an automatic transition car, but in a manual it get’s annoying. It feels as if I am stalling when I put it into gear, especially when it goes off just as you approach a light that is about to change back to green and you want to get into gear; I panic off the clutch because I think I am stalling the

Rightwomaning - what about ALL women

I am beginning to think that David Tracy’s sufferings are just a marketing ruse to convince people to buy a new CUV instead of working an old car. David, will we see you in a commercial soon where you say “I tried to work my cars but now I am happy with my new Hyotasan 3edgnox”

The 911 backseat is for kids. The real competition McLaren is looking at is the Ferrari nee FF for the grandkids. There is plenty margin between the Ferrari 2+2 and a plain old 911 to attack.

If I purchase a grocery item through Amazon Prime Now, am I able to return it?